High Level Party Maker
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@ the Shadowvale CSR
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Description by Kel

Have you ever wanted to play Diplomacy With the Dead with a singleton, but didn't want to beat the three preceding scenarios with that same singleton in order to get up to the right level? Do you find some scenarios (The Za-Khazi Run) too hard, and want to enter with a party that is slightly stronger than the one that you had coming out of the previous scenario (A Small Rebellion)? Or are you a designer making a scenario for a level 40 party, but are not sure that people have level 40 parties lying around?


I have written a High Level Party Maker for BoA! For BoE-ers, it is similar to Tarl Kudrick's HLPM, except it uses the greater power of BoA to customize the level to which the party will rise. Thus, the player who enters it can CHOOSE whether s/he wants the party to rise to level 20, 27, 43, or even 75! With the HLPM, you can make a god party that will slay dragons with a single blow, or you can enter the Za-Khazi Run with a carefully crafted level 14 party. It's up to you!

Designers, you need only explain in your readme that players should download this scenario and select a particular level (say, 40) before entering your scenario. It's that easy!

Download the High Level Party Maker today!

v1.2.0 was a complete re-write. The scripts were getting impossibly large, and I couldn't just patch anymore; I had to redo everything in order to fit in everything that was supposed to be there. It fixes a handful of bugs and updates the Library.
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