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Where the Rivers Meet | ||||||||||||||||||||
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View reviews of this scenario @ the Shadowvale CSR |
Download Where the Rivers Meet PC/MAC From TrueSite or Thralni's Site Outdoor Map by Author Known Bugs by Author Special Items and Abilities by Author Hints and Tips by Author General Walkthrough by Author Sidequests by Author Description by Thralni: My first scenario, "Where the rivers meet," is more of a test for myself to get aquanted with the Blades of Avernum engine. The story is the following: on a nice day, you come across a village. you decide to stay there, and you do. Next day, the village is deserted. Everybody has left. you decide to continue on your journey, and encounter the reason of the sudden fleeing of people. Another village is burning, just on the other side of the border of Riverrod province, which you just entered. The farms around it are destroyed, not to mention useless now. You charge the enemy: strange looking cat-like animals. However, they are to strong for you, and you are severaly wounded. Next day you awake in a fort: Fort Filbert, where you discover what the creatures were. Your mission: find the origin of these creatures and destroy it. however, when that has to been done, who made that whole place anyway? it is for you to find out. |
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Known Bugs | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Updated for version 2.0.3 An error in town 14, the ceremony caves, might occur. It will look like this: "t14cercaves Error: Missing semicolon at line 0." I don't know how to fix this. If you do know, please tell me! After the cutscene with the Empire HQ and the villain, there should be a big modification to the outdoors in which Empire HQ stands. However, whatever I tried, BoA just doesn't manage to get it right, and last time I tried to alter the outdoor section to reflect the damage done to it, BoA seemed to get stuck in an infinite loop and it eventually crashed... |
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Special Items and Abilities | ||||||||||||||||||||
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- Horn of warriors Be sure to use the horn in a place that has at least 5x3 squares of free space. The user of the horn MUST stand in the middle of that place (so if the tunnel/path/whatever is 5 squares long, and 3 squares thik (y = 5, x = 3 squares long) then the user stand at y = 3, and x = 2). This is very important for correct placement of the summoned warriors. However, if the places of the to be summoned monsters are obscured in one way or an other, a message will warn you. However, this is ONLY done when there is a terrain or character in their way. So, one can summon the creatures with the wand, and they can end up in blackness, at the other side of the wall. There will be no warning for this! - Making an explosive potion You get this special ability in the testing level of Thralni's castle. Search for a room in the southern part of this dungeon, containing a book in its northwest corner. To use this special ability, you'll need the right herbs (indicated as special items in the character info screen!) and mortar and pestle. Just use the ability, and a potion will be created. A special node is activated at glowing gates if you have such a potion, so you can "throw" it and blow up the gates.} |
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Hints and Tips | ||||||||||||||||||||
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1) I HEAVILY recommend that you first go to the city of Filberton, and go to the house where you see a dark man sitting, enjoying his fish. He has a VERY HANDY quest for you, which will make quite a lot of things far easier! 2) Its good to listen to certain people, as what they say might delay or even prevent big disasters... 3) Be sure to leave much space in the inventory of your number one character (character 0), as he will get all presents and stuff. 4) Having a Nephil in your party will make life easier. HINTS: General questions for quick reference: Q: How am I supposed to kill that stupid Senarti mages! They are so strong! A: Wait until you are at a high enough level, or get as quick as you can a warrior next to him and chop him to pieces. Q: In Voughton, you have this strange control panel near that small park. What is it? A: Go stand next to it, look at it and you'll discover that soon enough. (By the way, its just a thing I made for fun, not anything to kill or harm the player). Q: I have the dread curse, and I don't know how to shake it off. How can I? A: Go to the magery school of Filberton. Ask the mage in the library about it (he should confront you with it immediatly when you initiate conversation with him). Q: I am trying to find more potion ingredients, for the explosive potion, but I can't find any. Where are they? A: One is in a box in a room close to where you fight the alien beasts in the testing halls of Thralni, the other two are in the part of the tunnel where you find all the lizards and passage is blocked by boulders and stones. |
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General Walkthrough | ||||||||||||||||||||
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I divided this walktheough into several chapters, which hopefully make
navigating though it easier for you.
THE BEGINNING Q: I'm at the very start of the scenario. So, how to begin? A: Talk to Commander Johnson and General Flamington. Then leave Fort Filbert and go to Voughton, which is in the very north. Follow the signs if you can't find it at first. My simple tip: follow the road north. Q: I'm for the first time in Voughton. What am I doing here? A: Go to Mayor Ruth, who is in the city hall (along the water). Ask her about the Senarti. She will give you the quest to head to the Senarti fort. Q: Where is the Senarti fort, and what should I do there? Also, what is that watch-out she told me about? A: The Senarti fort is close to Fort Filbert. Follow the river flowing to the south, and you should find it fast enough. The watch-out is south of that, in a hill. You can go there if you wish, but if you follow this walkthough, it will have no use whatsoever. In the watch-out you only get told how to enter the fort and such, things which you'll read in this document soon enough. In the Senarti fort you have to kill the chief-mage and chief-warrior. First you have to enter the fort: 1) Fight the Senarti on the bridge; 2) Enter the fort, and go through the passage to the east, where the rats are; 3) Search for secret passages where these rats are, and follow it; 4) You'll end up in a small inn. This is the way you'll always enter and leave the fort. Now go to the most southwestern building, guarded by two senarti's. Enter it, and walk to the most southern door. That is where the chief-warrior is. Kill him. Now go to the first door on your left. You should enter a corridor with two doors. Enter the one at the end of the corridor. This is where the chief-mage is. Kill him. Now go back to Mayor Ruth. Tell her what you did. She'll tell you about Benthol. BENTHOL Q: Where is Benthol? What does he want from me? A: Benthol is in one of the northwestern houses, across the river. Talk to him, and get the scepter quest. Q: Right. I've got the scepter quest. What's next? A: First go to Tel Dakrach, which is in the swamp in the very Southwest of Riverrod. Enter the newly opened entrance. Its in a hill, marked by a skeleton lying in front of it. Go through the door in Tel Dakrach and fight the skeletons you come across in the corridor. Now go to the right, and fight more undead. Now go the west and go along the paved passage which is lit. Eventually you will come across magical barriers. Go through them (they are only fire barriers), and go through the door you will come across. In this hall, go to the stairs, and approach the two marble tables. You'll get message about two scepters. Press these buttons: "Take them" "The real scepter" (Note that pushing the other button will not make finishing the scenario impossible, it will only make it a bit dangerous, and slightly longer) Now head out, and you will come across a ghost, who wants you to do a quest. You now have two options: 1) Do the quest; 2) Head straight out of Tel Dakrah and be cursed (the mage in the library of the magery school in Filberton will cure the dread curse. however, the loss of experience can't be cured, so choose wisely). 1) To do the quest, go to southwestern corner of Tel Dakrach, where you will find a marble wall. Go through the doors, and follow the corridor. Go through the doors you encounter here. You'll come across a red/orange/yellow ghost, called Sir Dakrach. Follow his directions when getting the quest, and go to the portcullis in the most northwestern corner of Tel Dakrach. Go through it. 2 ) Skip this part until THRALNI'S CASTLE . Q: I went through the portcullis that Sir Dakrach told me about. What should I do next? A: Follow the path to the east, and go into the passage heading north with a lot of blood. Simply follow this passage, until you come to a sign on the left wall. Q: I'm in the ceremony halls, and I'm at a gate. I'm sure I should go through it for the ritual, but when I try to pass it, I get a message saying I didn't prepare myself well enough or something. A: That's because you should touch every pool in the rooms you passed in a specific order: white, green, blue, red. After you have done that, go to the gate. The gate will open. Walk on to the teleporter and go to the ritual room. You're done here. Go out of the ceremony halls, back to Sir Dakrach, and tell him you did the ritual. He will let you go. THRALNI'S CASTE Q: I got the scepters. What do I have to do with them? A: Give the scepter you chose to give him (I hope you chose the real scepter, for your own good) to Benthol. He will teach you a spell, either way. Now follow the road that goes south of Voughton, until you come to a splitting with a road going east and one going south. Follow the one east, and at the next splitting, follow the one going south. Enter the small town here (looking like a gate). Q: I'm at a gate now. This should be the gate through which I can enter Thralni's castle. Its a gate in a passage on the surface. What next? A: Simply approach the portculisses. You'll get prompted with a dialog message. If you gave Benthol the real scepter, the gates will open. Otherwise, read the next question. Q: I gave the fake scepter to Benthol and he taught me a spell. I went to the gate of that ruined castle, walked to the portcullises and got that dialogue box. After that, monsters appeared. I beat them. Now how can I enter the castle? A: Very simple. You can't enter it. If you gave Bentol the fake scepter, this is your punishment. In the dialog box which is shown to you before the monsters appear, Benthol asks you to come back to him and give him the real scepter. Do so, and he'll teach you the right spell. Q: So. I went through the gates. I went up the passage, and am now at a big ruined catsle. What do I have to do here? A: Enter the castle from the north. Go to the west side of the castle, and search for stairs close to the courtyard. Go down, and go through the first door you encounter. Pull the lever, and press the button on the control panel. Now go back to the castle itself, and go to the eastern part of it. Search for an empty room with a book in it. Read the book. Now you can get back. Leave Thralni's castle, and go through the castle gates. When you have reached the outdoors again, and have passed the town with the gates which requiered Benthol's spell, head to the Senarti fort. THE CREATION HALLS Q: I'm at the Senarti fort. I can't find any entrance, except for the main gate and the rat's secret passage. What should I do? A: If you have a Nephil in your party, go stand at the east side of the rocks, located in the west part of the Senarti fort. The rock should open, and show you stairs. If you don't have a Nephil, go to the room in which you killed the Senarti chief-mage. Search his bookshelves, and you should find infornmation about a button. Its located in the place I previously mentioned: at the east side of the rock, in the west of the fort. Go down the stairs and through the tunnel you are prompted about. Q: Aha. Well, what now? I emerged in some underground thing. I don't know what it is, but there are two statues along the road, and I see a door. A: You are now in the Senarti lands. Leave this town to the east. Follow the road all the way to the east, until you come at big structures (again, gates). You had to fight two spots of Senarti, of which one guarded the town you emerged in, and the other sat at a campfire at the town you are now. Maybe you also had to fight some patrolling Senarti. Enter the first structure: underground gate. Q: So, now I am at some closed gates. Again. What should I do? I don't see any lever. A: Approach the gates, and they will open. Fight the archers, and go all the way to the north, where there are also archers and gates. Go through the gates and leave town (It will be easier to kill this last batch of archers, if you go to the chamber they are in. To get there, find the doors east and west of you). Q: How do I enter the Creation halls? When coming from Thralni's castle there is a closed gate, and when coming from the cavern, there are also closed gates. I think I probably have to enter from the caverns, because I got a message saying so. Now how do I enter it? (Note that I'm talking now about the entrance to the creation halls, and not the "underground gate" you had to pass earlier) A: First, get move mountains in Pleasantville from Mother Erika (if you don't have it already). Now go back to the cavern Creation halls entrance and cast move mountain on the west walls. Q: I'm now in the creation halls. How do I stop the machines? A: In order to stop the machines, you have to blow up the power sources in the power level. We'll get there later. First go to the wizards quarters, located in the northern corner of the creation halls. Find a book shelf in one of the rooms and walk past it. You'll find a key. Now walk to the end of the corridor, until you find a portcullis blocking your way. Now walk all the way to the end of the corridor, until you come to closed portcullises, and on your right hand a door and a sign. Open the door and walk up the stairs. Open the door on the stairs with the key. If the two power sources are lit, you can skip the next paragraph. If they are not lit, read the next paragraph. READ THIS PARAGRAPH IF THE POWER SOURCES ARE NOT LIT Go to the most western corner of the creation halls, where the portculisses are. Open them using the lever located in the room next to them. The door is just left of the gates. Now go to the stairs leading upwards. Try to fight your way to the courtyard and enter via the courtyard the left wing. You'll find a sign just next to a door, leading to stairs. Go down and go to the door at the northern wall. you'll find two control panels and a lever. Pull the lever. Now go back to the creation halls' control room. CONTINUE READING HERE (whether or not you skipped the previous paragraph doesn't matter) Walk to each of the control panels, activating the control panel of creation halls A, B and C. Now pull all levers. You'll open all portcullisses. Go to each of the creation halls. All control panels in these creation halls work the same. Just close the cleaning valves and start cleaning operations. You'll get a message of an explosion three times! You should get that message at every control panel, otherwise you have done something wrong. Do this with all panels in all creation halls (A, B and C) Now go downstairs via the portcullisses in the western corner. First go to the left, to the first explosion. Go and search all bookshelves to find a manual. Now go to the second explosion in this corridor. You'll get to the main control room. Sit at the control panel and turn everything on, setting it at FULL power. Now go to the third explosion. Its at the end of the corridor. Sit at the right panel and turn the cooling off. An explosion will be the result. This is the end of the Creation halls. Now go to Voughton to Mayor Ruth and tell her what you did. She'll tell you to go back. Do so. MEETING THRALNI THERE IS A KNOWN BUG IN THIS TOWN (powerlevel, destroyed version). Check the readme file for more information. Q: I went back to the creation halls after talking to mayor Ruth. The power level is now a ruin. What next? A: When you entered the power level, when passing the doors, you should have gotten a message about somebody you heard. Go to the control room, and upon entering a cutscene will be activated. Now sit back and watch the show. See how everything unfolds. When you come to the end of the cutscene, you will be prompted with a dialog box (in Thralni's dungeons). Click it away and do a step in any direction you like. This will make you move to the testing halls of Thralni and complete the cutscene. TESTING HALLS AND FURTHER Q: After the cutscene, I appeared in the testing halls under Thralni's castle. What do I do here? A: First, go to the right, and enter the room in which you will find a library The room is at a closed door left hand of your character. Find a book in one of the corners of the library, and read it. It is very important that you learn the ability in this book. Now walk back to the corridor and walk to the east, until you come at a room with some bookcases, a small pillar and rubble everywhere. Look at the pillar, and choose "push it down." Go through the opened passage. Search through the stuff that's in the small room. Now go back to where Thralni dumped you (to the west of where you are now). Follow the corridor to the north, and enter the room at the corner of the corridor (the place where the wooden floor turns to stone). In this room, go to the east wall and search for a secret passage. When you found it, search through the chests (also get the mortar and pestle!). Now go back to the corridor and continue north. DRINK THE POTIONS YOU FOUND BEFORE ENTERING THE ROOM TO THE WEST. Three alien beasts will be set free to kill you. Kill them and go through the door at the northwestern corner of the room. I recommend saving the game at this point! Now go south, until a cutscene starts. Watch the show until the background music starts once again. Search though the chest, and let the priest (or any other character) that has move mountains drink it, if necessary. Now use move mountains on the northern wall. A passage is opened. Kill the slug you encounter, and walk into the next town by following the passage. Q: Im in Thralni's trash pits. What do I do here? A: Simply follow the path. At the place where the passage splits, I recommend going north, unless you have a strong party which can kill spine beasts. Kill the rats you encounter, and be sure to search in every nest. There is a secret passage in the northwestern corner of the nest-place. You'll soon encounter an alien beast in this passage. Kill it, and walk into the eastern passage, and search the southern wall. Q: So now I'm in the trash pits under Thralni's castle and I found three levers in a secluded room. What do I do? A: The levers form a small puzzle. A lever removes and/or adds a wall in the cave were you fought the alien beast. All levers should stand like this when you first see them: / / / if that's not what you see, set them in the correct position. Now move the levers in this order: 2 3 1, so you'll have this in three seperate stages: / \ / , / \ \ , \ \ \. If, for some reason, you moved a wrong lever first, you can just continue in the order portrayed above. Now walk to the alien beast's nest and search it. You will find some piercing crystals. Take them. Go through the opened corridor and use one of the crystals on the force barrier. Continue through the corridor and follow the instructions when you get to the ramp upwards. Q: So now I'm back at the testing halls, after coming from the trash pits. What next? A: Be sure to balance the potions you found over your party, as you will have to fight a dragon (level 36) shortly. Go all the way as you wen t before the cutscene started. However, now a cutscene won't start, you'll fight the dragon (and win). I have beaten him by constantly hasting my warriors and slowing the dragon. Be also sure to bless the warriors, and get them next to the dragon. Then chop him into pieces. When you're done you can do two things (you may skip option1): 1) Go south, and follow the passage. Walk to the barriers, and use the second piercing crystal you found on the force barrier (that's the second of the two barriers! Not the first!) continue through the door. Walk to the closets in the northeastern corner of the room, and take one staff. Now walk to the creation vats and power sources. "Look" at the power sources to bang them apart with the staff you found. Now go back to the dragon-fight place. 2) Simply head east and leave the testing halls. Q: So I'm now out of the testing halls after fighting the dragon. What should I do now? I'm at some gates. A: Make an explosive potion with the mortar and pestle, herbs and ability you got in the testing halls. Throw it at the gates when you are promted to do so (when approaching the gates you'll get a message). After you've done that, I heavily recommend to go through the now open blasted door to the south, and walk down the stairs. If you do this, read the next question, if necessary. If not, just continue reading after the following 4 questions. Q: I blasted the gates away, and walked down the stairs. What should I do at the control panel? A: Press the button and walk through the opened gate. THE POWER PLANTS Q: I'm at the first power plant. How do I stop it? A: You should go to the control room (just follow the halls to the north, which you can enter via a door. Follow the red carpet if you can't find the door, as its a bit dark). There press the "full power" button. Wait 10 - 11 turns. Done. Now walk to the southeastern corner of the plant, and enter in the now for you accesible room. Press the button on the pillar, and pull the levers. By doing this, you made it possible for you to press the button in the small room through which you entered this power plant. Now go back to that small room with that control panel, and press the button again. Now go through the next, now opened, gate. Q: I'm at the second power plant. How can I stop it? A: Go to the control room (its in the eastern part of the plant). Fight the wizards and mages, and open the gate to the south of the control room. Now follow the paved walkway in the open space where all the machines are. Follow the pavewalk that goes ALONG the control room, until you come to a smaller room, approximately in the middle of the power plant. Press the button on the panel. Now walk all the way back to the control room. When you start getting close to the control room, you should see a dialog box explaining what you did. After you did that, go to the northeastern corner of the plant, and do the same at the pillar and levers as you did in the first powerplant. Go back to that small room with that control panel, and press the button again. Now go through the next set of opened gates. Q: I'm at the third power plant. How can I stop it? A: Go to the control room (in the north of the power plant). Get into it, and kill all people there. Now walk to the panels. NOTE: If you just want to know where to find a hint about how to blow this place up, go to Thralni's chambers at the very south of the power plant. Get into the room with the blue bed, and press the pillar down. Go through the passage, and answer the question of the statue correctly. From here you'll find the hint soon enough. At the left panel, first press the blue, and then the green button. Then go the right panel, and first press the red, and then the purple button. Now go to the levers. The most left lever is le ver number 1, the others are numbered 2, 3 and 4, the most right lever being number 4. Pull the levers in the order 1, 3, 2, 4. Now go to the big pillar and press the button on it. You're done. After you did that, go to the northeastern corner of the plant, and do the same at the pillar and levers as you did in the first powerplant. Walk back to that small room with that control panel, and press the button again. Go through the final set of opened gates. Continue to the stairs and go up. TO MAYOR RUTH Q: I just got up from the stairs again, OR I just blasted the gates away, but I don't want to go down the stairs, although this is bloody stupid. What should I do? A: Follow the road into the next part of the tunnel, killing the rats. Q: I'm following the road, and I came to the next town. However, the road was blocked by boulders and rubble. What next? A: First go through the passage where you get prompted with a message saying its very hot in that passage. There are fire lizards here. Kill them, and walk to the most southern nest. Just next to it, when you walk over there, you will find more of the "explosive" herbs. Now go through a small passage which you will find on the east side of the passage walls along the road. You'll get a message saying you hear lizards hiss. Kill the lizards, and continue following the path. I recommend going first along the pass to the north, kill the lizards and hydra, and continue through the pass to the west. Beware for the basilisks! After killing all lizards and such, walk everywhere in the place where you now found some nests, until you come across another patch of herbs. Now go all the way to the south, untill you reach the other side of the road. Follow the road again, and make an explosive potion. Throw it to the glowing gates you will encounter. Go up the stairs. Q: I've gone up the stairs, and now I'm in the "Senarti capital." What should I do here? A: Open the doors, kill the guards and go through either the west, or the east doors. When you are outside, take one of the boats to the north at the dock, and row out of town. Follow the river to the north, all the way until you come to "the rustic beach." THERE IS A KNOWN BUG IN THIS TOWN (rustic beach). Check the readme file for more information. Q: I'm at the rustic beach. What next? A: Leave it through the passage of land (NOT THE WATER!) and continue through the outdoors to the entrance of the crystal mine. THERE IS A KNOWN BUG IN THIS TOWN (crystal mine). Check the readme file for more information. Q: What should I do in the crystal mine after I come from the rustic beach? A: Search for the secret passage, and go to the exit of the mine. You'll find it easily. Leave the town altogether and go to Mayor Ruth. She will tell you to go once more to the creation halls' power level. Do so. THE THREE HINTS - GETTING TO THRALNI Q: I was at the power level of the creation halls after I came back from Thralni's castle and talked to Mayor Ruth about it. I found a chamber which was recently opened. I read the books, and one of them contained some strange hint. What do I do with it? A: You can choose. You can go to Mayor Ruth and ask her about it, and she will direct you to General Flamington in Fort Filbert. You can also go directly to him. He will tell you about a crystal mine (yes, it's the mine where you crashed that boat, remember?) and give you a permit to enter the mine. ITS OF THE UTTER IMPORTANCE THAT YOU GET THE PERMIT. Now go to the mine, show Commander Ningal the permit, and she will give you permission to get into the mine. Do so. Q: Alright, so I'm in the mine. I have no idea what to do here. A: After you pass the last two of four guards and you have un locked the door, you will stand in a small room (3 x 3 squares). Enter the door on your left and search the small red table. Here is the second hint. Q: Well, I have the second hint, and it says something about a triangle of stones, close to the biggest enemy. Who and where is the biggest enemy? A: The biggest enemy is the Empire, and what is meant is the Riverrod Empire HQ. Go there, and walk to the river that flows next to it. Walk over the stepping stones, and you should already see the triangle of stones. Approach the cliff wall, there where one of the points of the trianle is directed at. There is a secret passage. Now walk all the way through this passage and you come to a hut. Here's where you get the third and last hint. Q: And now? I'm at the hut. What should I do to get the third hint? A: Go into the hut, and go into the first door on your left. Walk to the western corner of the room, and search for secret passages. Then climb down the trapdoor located in the room behind the secret door. You'll end up under the hut. Now follow the corridor to your right, and go into the door at the end of this corridor. Walk to the left, until you stand in front of the wall with the cracks. Use move mountains, read the book. You're done here. Q: Now I got the third hint, but I don't know what to do with it. Where is the place "where the rivers meet," and where can I find the two crumbled stones? A: Go to Pleasantville. Its just west of Voughton. This is where the rivers meet. The mountain directly west of Pleasantville is the mountain mentioned in the book. Now walk to its south side, and you will find two crumbling pillars. Go stand in between them, and walk into the mountain. There is a secret door in between the rocks. Follow the path, while you search for a secret door on the left side of this path. If you find the path, you should also find a small hut. Enter it. Q: I'm in that small hut of the previous question. What next? A: Walk through the door, go to the other door in the room you entered now, and you'll end up in a corridor which splits into two other corridors. Go to the corridor on your right hand (character's right hand) and immediatly search for secret doors at the right wall. You'll find a small secluded room with a lever. Pull it. Now go back to the corridor, and go to the other direction, into the other corridor. Go past the barriers and through the portculisses, through the doors, until you come into a small throne room. Go to the south room, and into the portal. You're done here. Q: I went through the portal, appeared in an other hut. I left the hut, and went through a small pass, and through a secret door, ending up in a cavern. I am trying to go toThralni's castle, and enter it from the outside. However, when I try it, I get a message saying to take the other way. What do i do? A: Go back to the Senarti capital, and go down the big stairs you used to get into the Senarti capital first time. You'll once again end up in the tunnels forming a road, leading you to the testing halls of Thralni's castle. Simply follow the road, retracing your steps, until you come to the place you blew up the gates. Now two things may have happened, depending on your actions with the power plants: 1) The gates have been rebuilt and they are working again (that's because you chose you didn't want to go down the stairs, you bloody idiot!) 2) The gates have been rebuilt but they don't work. If the situtaion described at 1 is your situation, approach the gates untill you get a dialog box. Now go all the way back to the Senarti capital, leave it to the west or south, and approach Thralni's castle from the outside. Simply enter it, and you're in. This seems an easier route, but Thralni will be aware of you coming in. If the situation you are in is described as in 2, Simply walk through the gates and into the testing halls. Go to the southwestern c orner of the halls, where you were previously dumped by Thralni. Walk to the barriers, which you can walk through. Upon walking through it, you should get a message saying you will need something to blow the boulders away. Make an explosive potion, like you did with the glowing gates. Approach the boulders again. This time you will be prompted with a message asking if you want to use the potion. Say yes. After throwing it walk on, up the stairs, and you're at Thralni's castle. FIGHTING THRALNI THERE IS A KNOWN BUG IN THIS TOWN (Thralni's castle). Check the readme file for more information. Q: I'm in Thralni's castle. What should I do here? A: First I recommend going through the castle to see if there are any potions. Just don't go through the two doors in the middle of the corridor you are now. You really don't want that. Also try not to fight anybody. When you encounter somebody, unless its really necessary to fight him, turn back! You'll need all energy and health you can get. After searching for potions, go through the doors in the middle of the corridor. You found Thralni. Talk to him (conversation begins automatically when you approach him). Upon the start of the fight, its best to kill the people in this order: - the wizard (very important to kill him first!) - some of the elite warriors - the captain - the remaining elite warriors - Thralni - Thralni's wife. Thralni, his mage and his captain will dissappear. Thralni leaves a piece of paper, which your first character (character 0) will get. Q: I defeated Thralni, but he disappeared. Where is he? A: Go through the doors opposite of the throne room. Follow the corridor to the south, and then to the west. At the end, you'll find a double door at the north wall. Open them, and kill the wizard. You are now in the library. Go down the stairs. Q: I went down the stairs, and don't know what to do here. A: Open up the map Thralni left lying in the throne room where you killed him, and search for the secret passage according to the map. The map is a map of the town you are in now. Q: I found the secret passage! Now I went through the passage, and I'm in some ancient cave. Where am I? A: You are indeed in an ancient cave, with an ancient temple in it. Here is the show down with Thralni. Walk to the center, and you will be teleported away, in front of Thralni. Again the best order of killing the people is: - the wizard (very important to kill him first!) - Thralni - captain - royal guards Of course, if the royal guards come in your way, just kill them. Its mainly the wizard which should be put to rest early. Q: I killed Thralni, but I still don't know why and how he did all this. A: After you have killed him, go to the northwestern corner of this dungeon. You'll find a locked door. Open the door, and use move mountain on the northern wall, which will crumble. Search the chest, and you'll find and read Thralni's journal. After you're ready, go back to Voughton, retracing your steps all the way to the portal in the hut. Go through the portal, and you'll end up where the rivers meet, in that hut with that portal. Go to Voughton, and tell Ruth what happened. THE END |
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Sidequests | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Its important to know that ALL sidequests, except the pleasanville and
Empire HQ ones, will have very nice rewards, albeit not always in
form. Some sidequests will make it easier for you as time goes by in
*** Voughton *** - Killing the bandits Go the Voughton and speak with mayor Ruth, until she tells you about some bandits. get her quest. Now go to the south of town, where you see a small structure with two guards. This is the entrance to the sewers of Voughton. Pick the lock or bash the door and go down the trapdoor. After coming down, go left an kill the archers and mage in the small watch-out across the water. Go over the bridges, go right, and the left, entering a door. Walk down the passage, then left, killing the brigands in blue. then enter the door to your right. kill the wizard you find there, he is the bandit leader. After you ill him, search his desk. then go to mayor Ruth and tell her that you killed the man and that you found a note. *** Filberton *** - Getting the hydra heads for Redrick Redrick can be found in one of the houses at the south of the city. Redrick is a black man enjoying a fish. Talk to him until he gives you the Hydra heads quest. Sfter you got it, got to the very south west of Riverrod, where the Riverrod marshes are. Go to the most south western corner of the marsh, and you will find an opening. Upon entering you get a dialog message saying you may enter. You will find the hydras soon enough. Fight them, collect THREE RED HYDRA HEADS and leave. Go to redrick, and he'll give you the horn of warriors: an extremely handy artifact to have with you, but be sure to use it in this scenario, as it won't work in other scenarios. - Go look at Summertown You get this quest at mayor Arbuckle. Make an appointment with the woman at the table, having a conversation with a man. Come back the next morning, and talk to mayor Arbuckle about his problems and the Senarti. He'll give you the quest. Go make an appointment upon leaving the city hall, and go look at Summertown. its in the middle of the province: a ruined city. now go back to the mayor when you have your appointment. - Investigate Fort Filbert You'll only be able to get this quest if you have done the Summertown quest! Go to mayor Arbuckle, make appointment if you have to. Say that you saw Summertown and that you are shocked. At the next dialog option, say that you find it strange that Fort Filbert is so close but does nothing. Upon saying that, he'll ask you if you want to do a quest. Say yes. FROM NOW ON YOU WON'T HAVE TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS! Go to Fort Filbert, and walk to the room of Commander Johnson. Johnson will sit in the dining hall, eating. In that time, you have to go as quick as you can to his room and search the most western closet. if you don't, Johnson will return to his room befor you are ready, and he will see you. the consequences of that aren't to hefty, but you won't be able to enter Fort filbert until the arrest of Johnson. When you found the note, go back to Fort Filbert and show it to Arbuckle. In two days Johnson is arrested. *** Fort Filbert *** - Investigate stracton/search for clues Go to Fort Filbert and find Johnson (if he isn't arrested already). Say you want to go back to the village, and he will prompt you with a quest. keep saying you want to do it. When you got it, leave the fort, and go to the left upong leaving the valley at the entrance to Fort Filbert. Follow the roads, until you come to a destroyed village (not a town!). Enter it, search for a nest, and search it. take the note you found to Johnson. Quest done. *** Pleasantville *** - Find the book Go to Plesantville and find a wizard called Flanagan. he is at the cityhall in a small room. talk to him until you get the quest. now go to the senarti fort, which is in a hill in a small lake. You'll recognzie it easily, as the hill looks as the cave-ground in Avernum. Enter the fort after slaying the guards in the outdoors. Immediately go to the right, where the rats are. Don't approach the gates! Kill the rats, and search for secret passages. When you find it, beware, as it ends in a small inn, filled with senarti warriors. Kill them, and go outside keep turning left, until you come to the center of the fort. to the south you'll find two doors. one of the right side of the gate, and when to the right of that door. it faces west. Open that doork, and you'll find a book. Go look at it, and say you want to take it. Fight the guards that appear, and leave the fort as you came in. Go back to pleasantville, and return the book to Flanagan. *** Empire HQ *** - Find wife Go to the most upper level of the Empire HQ, and find an official sitting in a room filled with papers. talk to him, and ask him what his problem is. Say you can find his wife. You then get the quest. His wife is all the way in Thralni's castle, in the prisons. She is dressed in yellow with a brown/black cap over her head. How to come to thralni's castle and back, is all stated in the other Hints file (Hints.txt). |
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