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Bandits 2: Ballad of the Red Star | |||||||||||||||||||
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Hint Sheet | |||||||||||||||||||
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Getting Started: 1q) I can’t leave Birmington the city! Where do I go? 1a) Did you read the intro dialog boxes? Go to the house in the southwest corner of the city near the wall. 2q) Okay, I’m in the house. Now what do I do? 2a) There is a note on the table (or at least there should be, if you’re in the right house). Equip it, and then use the ability to read. It’s in your special items. 3q) How do I enter Birmington Fortress? 3a) Good question. It seems as if they won’t let you through the main entrance, why not ask someone who would probably have access? Bladesman Kaworu would be a good place to start. (He has a “mission” for you to do.) 4q) How do I join the Order of the Sickle? 4a) Once you enter the cave (it’s on the road and isn’t too difficult to find), approach the guards. Tell them that you want to join the order. (If you tell them that you’re here to kick ass and chew bubblegum they’ll kick you out, but re-entering the town resets this.) Ask the man in the building about “badge” and he will give you the Order of the Sickle badge. 5q) What do I do in the Order of the Sickle to reach the lower level? 5a) Do the three missions for the priests sitting in the western cafeteria. (If you decided to kill everything in the town, then you made an unwise choice. Reload to an earlier save.) 6q) Where do I find a sandwich for Hazzal-Buruk? 6a) Go outside to the northeastern corner of the vale, and you will find a small farmer’s market. If you have the mission, you will be able to buy a sandwich. 7q) How do I get the Amulet of Elben-Ka? 7a) This “dungeon” is pretty straightforward. Just follow the path into the center of the fortress. When you step on either set of runes, you will be teleported into Elben-Ka’s chamber. He’s not too difficult even if you have only the starting NPCs. On your way back, you will fight three Illithids- nothing overly difficult. 8q) How do I squelch the Troglodyte rebellion? 8a) To find the portal, go south of the western cafeteria, and in the northeast corner of the room with the portal you see first is a secret passage. Go through there and you will find the portal to Darkham. In Darkham, go to the southeast corner of the city and take the stairwell down into the gold mine. Follow the path until you see a troglodyte. You should be wearing your Sickle Badge. If you aren’t, then the troglodytes will attack you. Finish off the seven trogs after your life, then find a secret passage in the SE corner of that cave. You will then stumble upon the lair of the trogs where you will have to slay their leader. If you were wearing the Sickle Badge before, then the troglodyte will wait to speak with you. He will take you to his leader. Follow the path, and you will be seated at a table. The proper order of responses is 1-2-1. If you either slew the trogs or convinced them to leave, then go back upstairs to Darkham, and see the mayor in his office in the NW corner of town. Ask him for 15% of the gold, and then say that Katothen sent you here. He will insist on giving you 20%. As you try leaving town, Baham-Mazzit will stop you, and discuss the outcome of the mission. If you told the trogs to re-negotiate with the Sickle, then you have successfully completed the mission. If you got 20% of the gold like I told you to, you have successfully completed the mission, plus you get 2,000 gold to go along with it! 9q) What do I do in the lower level of the Order of the Sickle? 9a) Enter the Artifact Storage in the NE corner of the lower level. The westernmost chamber contains Lenin’s Pendant. Have one of your Pcs equip it, then enter the huge central chamber. If you have the amulet equipped, then the runes on the north end will allow you to pass. Use the computer terminal to de-activate the barriers. If you don’t have a ruby at this point, enter the High Priest’s chambers (they’re south of the priest’s chambers), and take one from his room. In the large complex with the four energy spires, destroy three of them by looking at them and selecting the “destroy” option. Enter the small chamber with three barriers surrounding it, and swap the ruby on the pedestal with the ruby you have. Then, escape to the south. You will be abducted by Deacon, so be prepared for a difficult fight! 10q) Deacon is impossible, how do I not get killed? 10a) The objective of this fight isn’t to kill Deacon, it’s to stay alive long enough until Wasazore comes along. If you’re playing with a party of appropriate level, then just staying alive shouldn’t be too difficult. If you aren’t playing with a party capable of taking the damage from Deacon’s Beam of Hate spell, then you’ll simply have to reload when he casts it. This is all-in-all a tough fight, but a party that hastes and/or blesses before is in a far better position coming into it. 11q) Okay, now I’m *in* Birmington, but I have to get *out*. How do I escape? 11a) Enter the only room that’s open to you here and de-activate the barriers. Sneak around, hugging the eastern wall going north. You’ll eventually find a cracked wall you can cast Move Mountains on. (I assume you have this spell. If you don’t, you’re screwed. Sorry.) You’ll have to beat three Rakshasic Rogue Eunuchs and a Rogue Rakshasa, but this fight shouldn’t be overly difficult. Escape to the lower level as quickly as possible. 12q) I’m having trouble in the Turkish Division, what do I do? 12a) Just talk to Wasazore and do what he says. 13q) Okay, I completed the Order of the Sickle mission and got out of the Turkish Division. How do I get into Birmington Fortress? 13a) As soon as you enter Bladesman Kaworu’s office, you’ll have your answer. 14q) Okay, I’m in Birmington Fortress. How do I get past the barriers on the first level immediately after the entrance, though? 14a) As you look at the pedestal that controls for the barriers, Katothen appears, and tells you to go back to where you came. As you approach the entrance to the underground tunnel, Dervish Petey will join your party, allowing you to pass through the barriers. 15q) Okay, I’m on the second level now. What do I do? 15a) First, enter the only room you have access to. Kill the Rogue Dervishes and Bladesmen who attack you. When they’re all gone, search the quarters to the north for a thin, blue crystal. This will allow you into the southern half of the level. Towards the western side of the south wall is a pat h that leads to six portals. Enter any of them, and you will be taken to the place where you fought Deacon, except you won’t have to fight Deacon. Climb onto the platform (you just have to walk onto it), and climb the stairs up. Search Deacon Labs for a chamber with two Energy Spires, and smash both of them. Now, all of the barriers will let you through. Go back to the first floor, and the barriers blocking the hallway going south will let you through. 16q) What the hell! Pinochet is really difficult! 16a) Having many NPCs helps. The Giant Knights are slow, so try to out-run them. Blessing and hasting also helps quite a bit. Making sure you have Protection and/or Avatar also helps ward off the Rubies. Try not to get hit by the Obsidian Skeletons and Giant Undead Knights, though. You’ll regret it. When you take out Pinochet, the battle is over, so hit him with everything you’ve got (and then some). 17q) Okay, this is just ridiculous. How do I beat the huge army in the Lair of the Red Star? 17a) Having an army of your own (most if not all NPCs) helps. Like all battles, Blessing and Hasting will be your friend. The Rakshasi are dangerous, try taking them out ASAP. You may want to get some better spells/skills and level up before coming here. Try not to drag the Mutant Basilisks into your fight. 18q) Oh good lord, Mutant Basilisks? 18a) There’s only two of them, deal with it. 19q) Alright, now I’m *really* stumped. How do I beat the Immortal Warriors, if they keep on coming back? 19a) This one is tricky. You’ll have to get to the Sarcophagi and cast Ritual of Sanctification on each one. Keep everyone in your party either invulnerable or heavily blessed. 20q) The Ultimate Weapon’s first form is really tough! :( 20a) No it isn’t. End combat before your turn is over, and there’s no way he can kill you. Protection and/or Avatar really do help. 21q) The Ultimate Weapon’s first form is too easy! :( 21a) I agree. -_-; 22q) I’m having trouble with some of these side quests! Help me please. 22a) Sorry, no. None of them are particularly difficult, you’ll just have to figure them out yourself. This is a cruel world, that it is. 23q) Where can I find training? 23a) Good question. Bladesman Kaworu trains you, as does Horajakta-Bahazma in the lower level of the Order of the Sickle. After you blow up the Order of the Sickle and speak with Icabod in the Imperial Library, a Vahnatai in Disco Joe’s will be able to train you. 24q) I love you. Y 24a) I love you too. Y =========================================================== |
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