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Islands of The Wheel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Tips by Author Walkthrough by Glenn Hub Island Darson Vale Island of Troglodytes Island of Swamps Island of Undead Cold, Mountainous Island Elemental Island Map of Graveyard by Glenn Journals and Books Renala's Journal Part 1 Renala's Journal Part 2 Renala's Journal Part 3 Ruby's Journal Faintly Glowing Book First Giant Book Second Giant Book |
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Author's Tips | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Plot is important. Don�t ignore it!
The best treasure & spells come from optional quests. Seek them. Information in Journals can mean life or death. There are four Journals. Find them all! There are three other books which, while not necessary for finishing the game, do explain what�s going on and why it�s so important. You should find them, too. Write down information. You may never see it again. There are no shops, nor alchemical ingredients. Manage your resources! You will find powerful items. Use when you have to, but not until. �Islands of the Wheel� is meant to be played with a party that either: 1.) Has just finished playing �Valley of Dying Things�, or 2.) Has just been created by taking a First Level Party through the included, customized �High Level Party Maker� once! For optimum challenge, stick to the above methods of Party design. (* I used: 2 Fighters, 2 Priests, 2 Mages = Level 11, 2500 gold, Bronze Weapons & Iron Armor.) |
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Walkthrough | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Note from the Editor: Although there are a couple of times you need to return to a site to accomplish a task, this Walk Through is written in a reasonable sequence. I have enclosed found Items and Spells in braces, �[ ]�, in a reduced type, (4), for the sake of size. The Story: Your boat fell apart � you found yourselves on land? There wasn�t an island here before! This Island is the �Hub�. There are six other islands. You are in a town with people who act brain dead, like zombies. What�s going on? |
O-069, 087: HUB ISLAND. (Center Island of the, �Islands of the Wheel�)
24&25, 5: Enter town, �HUB�. 14, 10&11: Men�s Sleeping Quarters. 31, 11&12: Women�s Sleeping Quarters. 36, 19&20: Place for Party to rest & store items. 41, 28: �Beta Testers Wall of Fame�. 25, 16 and 19, 22 and 25, 29: Inn. ANNABELLE * Drinks and Food are free. (See Special behind bar.) * Can�t escape here because of the Mountains. * Witch, Liezl, has a boat that is �magically protected�. * Other Islands are dangerous. * Wandering Adventurers are afraid of this place, (Inn). NIHRI. Patron at the Bar. * Used to be an Adventurer. * Hector may know something. 21, 34: PHINEAS. Identify, Sell. 14, 32: HECTOR: Priest Spells, Level 5-1/2. 11, 33: Secret Passage to: LIEZL. Mage Spells, Level 5-3/4. * Ask about �Boat�. She says it�s no good without the �Controller�. �It�s stolen � over the mountains if not at the bottom of the sea.� She says, �Darson Vale�, then she says no more. 07, 27: Force field between trees? 37, 35: WELDON. Train. * �Favor� Other side of mountains is a town, Darson Vale. He left a Golden Chalice. Return it to him for a reward. Say, �Chalice�. 23, 38: Dock w/ Boat. (Dock is an illusion. Fall in water to biting fish!) O-080, 077: Narrow passageway through the mountains. (N, NW, N) O-079, 075: Narrow passage back to �Hub�. |
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O-074, 060: DARSON VALE.
* People are all �crazy�. Battle all. * North East corner of town is a building that has collapsed and fallen into the Ocean. 25, 06: Large hole in ground. It�s the mouth of a Tunnel, sloping South West. �Climb�. Level 1 42, 04: Way back up. 43, 15: Body with items; 32, 07: Body with items; 20, 12: Body; 10, 07: Body. 07, 17: Body of a young warrior (Linus). It has a Pouch with a glowing piece of wood shaped like an �Oar�. 05, 42: Lowest, Deepest part of Cavern. (* Special. Whisperers dumbfound you.) 43, 42: Another Pit. �Climb�. * Light is drained! Level 2 05, 05: Way back up. 25, 20: Half buried, small Golden �Trophy� for an Archer. (Read inscription.) Return to Hub. 37, 35: Weldon. Train. * Say, �Chalice�. Give him the trophy. Receive reward. [ Magic Crossbow (0+5), Bolts (14+0), Bolts of Devastation (20+6) ] More importantly, is the oar. (Liezl won�t be of any help, it�s now yours.) You can now use the boat at the southern pier. The first two parts of Renala�s Journal, (Parts # 1 and 2), are there. Read them! Keep notes for reference. The last part of Journal 2 mentions something about a hiding place. Ask Hector, the priest, about Renala or Ruby. He�ll release the force field south west, between the two trees. There you can access a secret passageway. 07, 27: Hector�s hiding place. (09, 10: Way back out.) 16, 15: Message on Slab of Rock. Read it. 18, 16: Renala�s body. [ Orb of Sight, Steel Wave Blade, Magic Knife, Steel Chain Mail, Iron Buckler, Steel Toed Boots, Ogrish Gauntlets, Strong Heal, Medium Power, Ring of Free Action. ] * Another part of her Journal, (Part #3), is there, also. Again, read it. Keep notes. 20, 16: Secret Passage. [ Magic Lock Picks, Medium Power (2), Ruby, Sapphire. ] Take the boat to the Island south west of Hub. |
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ISLAND OF TROGLODYTES. Southern Section. O-009, 126: Creepy Caverns. 51, 21:Very decomposed body of Nephilim(?). 55, 21: Body. [ Gold, Prismatic Wand. ] 60, 21: An invisible wall appears in front of you. * You hear monsters ahead. You wonder how they got through? * The Ring with the fancy �N� on it glows. [ Found in the Mysterious Tunnels @ 09, 51 ] and you are allowed to pass. 58, 09: Long Tunnel. (31, 30: Way back out.) [ Actual location is center of Mysterious Tunnels. ] 41, 33: Cabinet. [ Faintly glowing Book. ] 41, 34: Container. [ Orb of Sight, Scroll of Firestorm, Magic Knife. ] 41, 35: Container. [ Gold, Gold Ring of Protection. ] 41, 36: Container. [ Killer Poison (3). ] Northern Section. O-016&017, 073: Big Castle. Level 1: 31&32&33&34, 60: Southern Entrance. 03, 31&32&33&34: Western Entrance. 59, 31&32&33&34: Eastern Entrance. (Locked Portcullis) 31&32&33&34, 03: Northern Entrance. 35, 13&14: Queen�s Library. (Locked) 35, 05: Secret passage to Queen�s Library. 39, 07: Body. [ Ring of Will. ] * Bookcases. [ Revive All, Summon Guardian, Resurrection, Flight. ] 41, 24: Secret passage to bookcase. [ Major Cleansing. ] 49, 14&15: Stairs up. (49, 14&15: Way back down.) Level 2: *Bookcases. [ Wall of Blades, Force Barrier, Ring of Weight. ] 43, 15: Secret passage to three chests. 49, 14&15: Stairs down. Level 1: 30, 16&17&18&19: Corridor to Birthing Compartments. 30, 42&43: Corridor. 12&13, 41: Weapons Room. 23, 38: Secret passage to Magic Axe & Ice Shield. 07, 42&43: Stairs up, (07, 42&43: Way back down.) 13, 49: War Room. 21, 5&53: Chests. [ Steel Great Helm, Magic Lock Picks, Lifesaver Amulet, Diamond Necklace, Medium Power, Strong Heal (2), Piercing Crystal. ] 10, 39: Her Royal Garden. 16, 29: Sprinkle. * Are you Renala or Ruby? [ T / F �False�. ] * Are they Alive, Dead, or are you Unsure? [ �Dead�. ] * Will make a �deal� with you. �Item� for Ruby�s Journal. [ found on Giant Island ] * Go to Rock. [ Say, �YBURALANER� (RENALARUBY backwards!) ] * Get Metal Key. 25&26, 44 and 20, 50&51: Room with Rune protected area � Monsters gone? 12&13, 44 and 17, 50&51: Meeting Room. 35, 51 and 35, 48 and 35, 44 and 46, 35 and 50, 35 and 54, 35: Dining Room. 46&47, 56: Stairs up. (46&47, 56: Way back down. Level 2: Storage Area. [ Cursed Halberd, Cursed Broadsword, Cursed Shield. ] 46&47, 56: Stairs down. Level 1. 33, 32: Throne. (No Papers!) 32, 31 and 33, 31 and 32, 34 and 33, 34: Stairs up. Level 2. 32, 29: Dresser. [ Pants, Shirt, Robes, Lamp, Book. ] 33, 29: Chest. [ Gold, Diamond Necklace (2), Resurrection Balm, Helm of Alertness. ] 29, 28: Secret passage to Sorceress (?) Room. Hook on Wall. [ Fire Orb Necklace. ] 28, 26: Secret passage. [ Arch Wizard�s Cloak. ] 32, 31 and 33, 31 and 32, 34 and 33, 34: Stairs down. Level 1. Return to your boat and leave the Island. Take the boat to the south east. |
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O-117, 117: Pit to Slith Lair. (25, 03: Way back out.) Level 1. 23, 15: Veitthsss�s Smithy: 20, 13: Chest. [ Diamond Necklace, Silver Necklace, Sapphire, Rough Diamond. ] 30, 23: Royal Library. * Bookcases. [ Mass Paralysis, Ravage Spirit, Pestilence. ] 31, 40: Prison. HETH�ESSS. Tells how a wizard with a glass sphere caused their world to be relocated here. 41, 41: Stairs down to Tomb of the Warriors. Level 2. 18, 46&47: Boxes with Food. 31, 32&33: Passage to Tomb of the Warriors sealed. 07, 56: Stairs back up. O-131, 125: Lizard Pit. Level 1. 26, 04: Tree Tunnel. Level 2. 45, 26&27: Boxes with Slith Guard Uniforms. 51&52, 15: Secret passage into Tomb of the Warriors. [ One heck of a lot of equipment! ] 58, 50: Way back up. O-112, 126: Mysterious Tunnels. 40, 49: Secret passage. 36, 47: Box. [ Gold, Medium Power, Medium Heal, Weak Speed, Diamond Necklace. ] 09, 51: Small Ring w/ fancy letter �N�. 80&81&82, 30&31: Secret passage. 41&42, 18&19: Secret passage. Take the boat to the north west Island. There are two �dungeons� there. O-016, 023. Strange Cave. Fight Ogres with Wolves. 41&42, 33: Boxes. [ Gold, Iron Gauntlets, Medium Power, Leather Sling, Darts, Gold Ore. ] 09, 05 and 11, 04 and 13, 05: Boxes. 17, 04: Prisoner, (Gurn.) * Rakshasi trying to get information. Demon appears. 30, 19: Secret Passage to Rakshasi�s Hideaway. 33, 16: Magically protected door, no knob! * In Main room, kill two Rakshasi, then secret door opens at; 31, 09: Secret Door . 28, 08: Cabinet with yellow, glowing key. * When you have killed the Rakshasi and have the yellow key the Magically protected Door becomes a secret passage to Room with three Cabinets. [ Steel Wave Blade (2), St. Razordisks, Silver Ring of Skill, Piercing Crystal (2), / Major Blessing / Major Cleansing. ] O-028, 038: Ye Olde Magic Shoppe. (Giant�s Pit Trap!) 41, 24: Great looking items � person is a statue! Too late, the floor opens up and you slide down a chute to a room where you are surrounded by Giants who set the trap. Kill many Giants and some Ogres. In the south west area are numerous boxes with treasures. [ Diamond Necklace, Gold Ring of Accuracy, Wand of Venom, Wand of Carrunos, Potions of Healing & Clarity. ] 42, 11: Secret passage. 41, 08 and 42, 09: Giant Stairs up. 10, 10: Ground Level, again. * The first group of Giants you meet are friendly. Speak with the twins, Marlu & Larmu, playing a game, then with the Giant, Gr�ga�mmsh, in the south west building,. Leave by the east passage. 28, 26: Throne, (Grumpy�s), with a very well hidden panel. �Look�. Inside it you will find two more books, (Giant Books # 1 and 2). 34, 19: Narrow escape route. * Find a Bone Tube with a paper inside it. There is a lot of writing all over it. (Ruby�s Journal) Return to Hub. *As you enter the town, the scenario gives you a message that, �things are not as they seem.� Read the last of Ruby�s Journal. It states that Annabelle has committed suicide. Ask, �Suicide�, �Dead�, �Death�, etc. * Annabelle will disappear and you�ll have to fight Fire Elementals. [ Ring of Full Protection. ] Take boat to the North Island; |
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O-095, 025: Castle. Level 1: 24&25, 43: South Entrance. Through Waiting Area. 24&25, 04: North, 04, 24&25: West, 43, 24&25: East Entrances. 18&19, 36: South west doors to corridors. 17, 34 and 17, 30 and 14, 26: Room with Pillars. 17, 19 and 12, 15 and 17, 15: Room with Force Fields. 12, 12 and 18, 12 and 23, 08: Room with Beds & Chests. [ Empty, Gold, Piercing Crystals (2), Sapphires (2) ] 22, 10: Brazier. Look. [ Avatar. ] 26, 08 and 31, 12 and 37, 12: Smithy�s Room. [ Bronze Spear, Bronze Short Sword, Iron Shield, Steel Large Shield. ] 40, 15 and 32, 21: Room specially sealed! 40, 23: Soft Wall. Move Mountains. [ Room is filled with Quickfire!! ] 32, 33 and 32, 28 and 38, 26: Dining Room. 22&25, 32: Temple 21, 23 and 26, 27: Stairs up to 2nd Level. Level 2: 12&15&18, 35 and 12&15&18, 38: Rooms, south west. 29&32&35, 35 and 29&32&35, 38: Rooms, south east. 12&15&18, 12 and 12&15&18, 15: Rooms, north west. 29&32&35, 12 and 29&32&35, 15: Rooms, north east. 10, 20&21 and 10, 29&30: West Blood Knight�s Guard Post. 15, 26: Hook, empty! 37, 20&21 and 37, 29&30: East Blood Knight�s Guard Post. 42, 26: Hook with Key! 19, 28: Storage. [ Food, Torches, Gold. ] 33, 22: Secret passage to Room. [ Major Summoning, Mass Paralysis. ] 24, 23: Locked Door! [ Unlock with two Metal Keys; One from east Blood Knights� Room, One from �Sprinkle� in �Her Royal Garden in Big Castle, Troglodyte Island. ] 23, 24: Stairs down. (11, 11: Way back up.) * This Room is a Grid, 11 squares wide by 11 squares high. The coordinates are 11, 11 through 21, 11 wide and 11, 11 through 11, 21 high. * There are five (5) Guardians protecting a Treasure Chest. * There are �blocked� squares and �open� squares, making a �Maze� to access the Chest. * The �Open� path to the Treasure Chest, starting at 11, 11 is: S,S,S,E,E,E,S,S,S,S,S,W,S,S,E,E,E,E,E,E,N,N,N,N,W,N,N,W,W, Chest. 14, 16: Treasure Chest. [ Magic Broad Sword, Magic Great Mace, Magic Wave Blade, Ogrish Gauntlets, Magic Shield, Magic Breast Plate, Ascal�s Ring (5), Ring of Fire Resistance. ] * After opening the Chest, two of the squares change, making the exit a different route. 14, 17: was �open�, is now �closed�. 21, 18: was �closed�, is now �open�. * The �Open� path from the Treasure Chest, starting at 16, 16 is: E,E,S,S,E,S,S,E,E,N,N,N,N,W,N,N,N,N,W,W,W,W,S,W,W,W,N,W,W, Stairs. 21, 23 and 26, 27: Stairs back down to 1st level. Level 1: 24, 19: Home of Bigg Skull!!! * Asks if you know name of his Master . Say, �Zuwhiel�. * If you return with Z�s Pumpkin Amulet, he�ll help you. * Ask about ignorance. B. S. Tells you Z brought mountains here from cold climate. Island east of Castle. Monsters there have a nice treasure. Weapon that works well against Elementals. * B. S. asks if you want to know the location. In your mind and can see a cave. * B. S. tells you about those mortals. They wanted to know about trap at cellar gate. * Ask Trap. He won�t tell you the password. * It�s in Ruby�s Journal. * Ask Glass Ball. B. S. says it�s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn�t want to live there. * Take boat to the island east of Hub, following the inlet to a Cave Bigg Skull told you about. |
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COLD, MOUNTANIOUS ISLAND O-112, 072: Very Cold Cavern. 16, 14: Start. 04, 09: Body, 40, 14: Body. 20, 31: Sign. Dangerous Snow-Goons ahead. 39, 28: Box. [ Gold Medium Power, Cleansing Powder, Diamond Necklace. ] 39, 29: Box. [ Gold, Strong Power, Medium Power, Fire Orb Necklace, Micah�s Gloves. ] 40, 29: Box. [ Gold, Bolts, Strong Skill Potion, Anti-Magic Sword. (Good against Elementals!) ] Follow Cavern to the exit, adjacent to where you entered. Return to Undead Island, to the Castle. Search the Temple wall, east of Bigg Skull. 27, 20: Secret passage to corridor. 28, 18: Secret passage to Magic Field. Dispel Barrier. [ Mace of Disruption. ] 29, 27: Voice says, �Point to correct series of characters, or die!� [ Read Ruby�s Journal: Password is: 0O00O0O00. (2nd, 5th, 7th are Letters. Rest are Zeros.) ] 29, 30: Stairs down to Tomb in Graveyard. (21, 30: Way back up.) 10, 33: Exit Tomb to Graveyard. * Work your way around to the north west building. Doors are locked. Go around to the east side. 50, 19: Secret passage. * Lich and three Lich Servants. Kill, then search the south wall of this building. 47, 31: Secret passage to exit. * Go to south east building. 44, 48: Door. Two Vampire and Three Specter. * 40, 48: Secret passage to center of Block. (Equipment) 49, 54, Door. Exit. * Circle around the outside of the Building to the left. 32, 43: Secret passage through the north west corner of the Building. * Go to the bottom half of the Western Building. (Where you started.) 10, 36: Door. Enter. 21, 39: Stairs down to Cavern below Graveyard. (05, 20: Way back up.) 24, 23&24&25: �Home of Zuwhiel, absolute ruler of these Islands. All who enter must bow and swear their allegiance or die.� * Zuwhiel will appear with Demons, Vampires and Ghasts. As you defeat Zuwhiel, fighting off death, he teleports away. As he disappears, you hear a �clunk�. He has dropped the Pumpkin Amulet. 36, 23: Secret passage behind throne. (Use the stairs to exit the area.) * Box with Spell Book: [ Divine Thud, Protective Circle. ] * Box with: [ Gold, Diamond Necklace, Silver Necklace, Gold Necklace, Fang Necklace, Ring of Free Action, RuneShield, Giantish Gauntlets, Micah�s Gloves. ] 37, 22: Stairs up to Castle, corridor west of Temple and Bigg Skull!!! 24, 19: Bigg Skull!!! Say, �Pumpkin�. You give him the Amulet and a burst of energy flies from the skull. He says there�s going to be a big fight soon and that he will be there to help you, then he�s gone. Go to the island south of Hub. |
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O-063, 125: Elemental Tower. * Zuwhiel warns you to not follow him. 32, 04: Start in Earth Elementals northern corridor. 30&31,&32&33, 55: Doors from Earth Elementals to Water Elementals Corridor. 31&32, 13: Doors from Water Elementals to Fire Elementals Corridor. 31&32, 44: Doors from Fire Elementals to Air Elementals Corridor. 30&31&32, 25: Doors from Air Elementals Corridor to Central Chamber. * Again, Zuwhiel warns you to not follow him. 31, 34: Huge steel door, unlocked by Zuwhiel as he escaped. 31, 35: Stairs down. �Climb�. 58, 58: Tunnel under Elementals Tower. * You hear a hissing noise as the door closes. You are trapped in the Tunnel with Zuwhiel and the Whisperers. * You can hear Zuwhiel and the Whisperers up ahead. He will need help against them. 44, 15: Tunnel slopes downward. 21, 58: Lower Tunnel. * Up ahead, in the Cavern, you see Zuwhiel lying on the ground in a bloody heap. He is dead. There is a hole in the ceiling. The Whisperers have escaped. They left a message for you on the Cave floor, written in Zuwhiel�s blood, �bye�. 21, 05: Hole in ceiling. A magical force wants to pull you up. �Climb�. 15, 15: Bigg Skull�s Pit Stop. (Strong Skill potions.) Train. 15, 13: Tunnel to the surface. �Climb�. The Whisperers have devastated Hub Island! They seem to be casting some sort of a spell while using a Glass Sphere. �Wait�, or �Attack� ? (The Whisperers are using the Glass Sphere to open the Portal which you can use to escape, �the World�. If you attack and stop them, even if you kill them, you�ll be stuck here forever! � And they�ll destroy the Universe!) Wait. � The Portal appears. Now, attack them! When the last Whisperer dies, you gather in a circle beneath the descending Portal. Suddenly, you�re in the Eastern Sea where it all began. A rough wave rips the Door-Globe from your hands, out of reach. You see a boat coming your way. They rescue you. You have a feeling their boat won�t be destroyed the way yours was. And you�re right! |
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Journals and Books | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Renala�s Journal, part 1:
* Much of this journal is unreadable. The first page is labeled, �Renala�s Journal�, but only says that, �Ruby and I� landed on Hub Island roughly the same way you did. You learn nothing new about this place here. ( �Ruby and I� are apparently high-level adventurers. Ruby is the writer�s sister. Nothing else about the writer is said here. The rest of the journal is shown exactly as written. ) Day 3. Finally got Liezl�s boat. Explored Islands. Where did all the monsters come from? A Castle full of Trogs did NOT sail on the Eastern Sea and show up here like we did. And undead? enough of an expert on soil (thanks for the farming lessons, Dad) to know that these Islands come from different climates. They do NOT belong together� �says I�m nuts, no one can teleport whole Islands. She�s the Magic expert but I know it�s the only way. Day 6. Just visited Elemental Island. Won�t make THAT mistake again. Ruby and I are no match for that many � (much unreadable)� castle may be the key. |
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Renala�s Journal, part 2:
Day 7. Ruby says she lost her Journal when escaping from the Giants. It had solution to undead cellar door death-trap! Big Skull won�t help anymore and we don�t remember. (damned islands) No joke, islands making us forget things and lose skill. Annabelle says every 7 days, or so, we�ll get worse. She�s almost a brainless zombie. What�s going on here? Day (unreadable)� serves Z right for playing with his �Toy of the Gods�� we MUST reverse portal (much unreadable) at least we have good weapons & armor now� time to attack Z. Day 12. Darson Vale was destroyed by Elementals. All killed. Linus was there and he had the oar. Can�t go to it. Must try 2nd attack while elems tired. Day (unreadable)� We did it! We got into the tomb! Could only take a few items but we have good weapons, etc., now. Plenty more but guards will be doubled now. They collapsed main path too� hope the pit�s tree tunnel is still Ruby dead, I�m dying. Z too strong. Didn�t know he controlled� no hope. I will go hide with Hector now. He has a secret place. Z�s as trapped as anyone. Stole from a God! Must tell: Big S was right about the Glass Ball. It�s |
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Renala�s Journal, part 3: Day 2. Only a few sane people here. Annabelle, Hector, Weldon, Linus. Liezl�s nuts, Phineas is worse. Linus & Weldon have advent skills but Weldon�s too old. Maybe Linus will help us. Day 4. Ruby thinks Linus likes me. He asked her about my favorite color & food. He�s a pest but we need a second Fighter. He�s not as good as I am but he can disarm traps and Day 6. Gave Linus the boat�s oar. I trust him. Besides where can he go? Mountains block all exit AND entrance. Still think islands were teleported. What did big skull mean by Day 5. The gold worked. This time big skull answered. Asked about traps and it told us how to get into undead cellar. Wasn�t prepared for what was there though, had to Day 8. Finally, real answers. Gold mine of info in secret panel on Grumpy�s throne. Had to leave it and run. The priest IS behind it all. Were the Whisperers that dangerous? Damn Ruby for losing her If Zuwhiel learns Grumpy�s got these books, all hell will break loose! Nothing�s happened though. Maybe Z can�t leave his island. |
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Ruby�s Journal: (Ruby�s journal is mostly single sentences written all over the pages, and in no particular order. Each entry is written below, separated by a �/� mark. People on Hub Island are mostly crazy / I sense HUGE evil here coming from the ground / Linus is nice / Linus likes Renala! Bastard / Anabelle is getting worse. Big Skull is really creepy Hector hates me because I�m a priestess AND wizardess / Troglodytes suck! / Liezl�s mean, she won�t let us use her boat / Weldon�s okay, trust him Told Linus Renala�s favorite color is blue, she hates blue this could be funny. I�m mean! / Ha, ha, we got the boat / Don�t swim, those little fish are MEAN / Remember to ask B. S. about Z�s �ignorance�! I think I�m going crazy / what kind of password is 0O00OO0O0 ? I get it, they�re not all zeros � 2nd, 5th, 7th are letter �O� / Liezl blew up a tree this morning. Oh, Annabelle, why did you have to do that? Was what was happening to you that bad? I know you didn�t want to live like a zombie, but maybe we�re going to find a cure for this! I wish you were still alive. We miss you! |
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Faintly Glowing Book:
This book has the words �BOOK OF PRAYERS� on it�s cover. It was written by an unnamed member, (or members), of a religious group called the �NYRE�. All prayers in the book start by addressing �Pure Sibem�, who is apparently a diety. One prayer says to �Let Evil be contained in the World of Redemption, where Your purity will overwhelm all and make all well.� Further study of the book describes this �World of Redemption� as an ocean with one land mass, where evil beings are placed until they are �healed�. �Basic needs� are always taken care of, apparently, although the book doesn�t say how. Skimming the book makes it clear that the Nyre believe that when there is no evil left in the hearts and minds of those �contained� in the World of Redemption, they will be allowed to leave and �rejoin the Physical World�. Several references are made to an object called �the Door Globe�, but this object is never well described. It seems to be some kind of magical of holy gateway that people can travel through, but that�s all you can figure. |
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First Giant Book: This book tells the history of a benevolent religious order called the Nyre. The Nyre believed that evil was essentially a curable disease. The Nyre�s diety, Sibem, created a tiny, self contained, universe called, �The World of Redemption�. This �World� was a place of pure good where evil beings could be contained indefinitely until �cured�. Evil beings in this �World� had an infinite supply of food and drink and a beautiful, peaceful environment to live in while contemplating their sins. Individual evil beings, (or, if needed, whole land masses) could be placed in the �World� by using an immensely powerful holy item called the Door-Globe. The Door-Globe is a glass sphere about a foot in diameter. The Nyre eventually captured the Whisperers�beings so powerful and evil that their presence corrupted the �World�. The Nyre locked the Door-Globe away to prevent the Whisperers from ever escaping the �World� and released all the other prisoners. The Door-Globe was stolen about a year ago by a human priest with evil intentions. The Nyre are actively hunting him down. |
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Second Giant Book: The second book is a journal written by Zuwhiel. It tells of his attempts to master the Door-Globe�s power. (see the first Giant Book.) Apparently, all the land, (except for Hub Island) currently in the �World of Redemption� is land that Zuwhiel brought here. Zuwhiel writes that he thinks that he�s found a way to enter and leave the �World� at will. He says he used the Door-Globe to create a portal connecting to the �World�, and has put this portal in an uncharted part of the Great Seas. From what you read, you conclude that Zuwhiel did enter the �World�, but couldn�t get back out. The book says he intended to bring the Door-Globe with him. Maybe that was his mistake. Or, perhaps he forgot that the �World�, while once peaceful and beautiful, was first and foremost, a prison. Breaking into a prison isn�t too difficult, generally, but getting out again usually is. |
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