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Justice | |||||||||||||||||||
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Download Justice from TrueSite or The Archives of Akhronath |
View reviews of this scenario @ the Shadowvale CSR |
Map of Slith Caverns by Jewels General Walkthrough by Jewels |
Written by Akhronath: The scenario Justice takes place during the massive conflict between the Empire above ground and the Exiles below that is the focus of Exile II. However, it does not take place in any theater of operations of that war. At least, not from the Exiles' perspective. Instead, it focuses on one of the long-held objectives of the Empire - the genocide of all sentient, non-human species. Into this effort has been flung thousands of Empire soldiers, led by able commanders, intent on destroying all traces of alien civilization, all in the name of a just cause: making the world safe for mankind. In a far corner of the caverns, where the Exiles never reached, inhabit a small tribe of Slithzerikai, a reptilian-amphibian race of the dark caverns. This very race had for a long time its supreme leader in the warlord Sss-Thsss, servant of a demon-king. He is dead now, slain by Exiles, perhaps a happier end than if the Empire had found him. But this tribe of sliths - as humans tend to call them - has not had any contact with humanity. Still, given the violent and treacherous past of this race, they are extremely dangerous. A small contingent of the Empire army has been sent to wipe them out. You, as loyal soldiers of the Empire, are part of this contingent. |
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Walkthrough | |||||||||||||||||||
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- You may ‘join’ Kasaran to train - Receive healing from Icaraian - You may leave this scenario here at x24, y24. - Talk to Commander Alegon for your ‘mission’. - Go down ‘stair’ at x23 ,y19 to explore the BAT CAVE if you wish, nothing is needed from there till later. Outdoors at x42, y30 is a cave. Try to enter this cave and ‘approach’. There will be a large battle with lots of lizards. You get Serpentstrike, a lizard slaying spear, and some food when you’ve killed them all. Go to RHSSINN. RHSSINN - Talk to everyone in this town for story and hints. - The chief has much to say, explore all his words. Be sure to ask him about the settlement in the middle of the lake or the commander will send you back for it. - You can buy food from Malassa on the docks. - Return to the commander when you are done. He will give you your next ‘mission’. - Come back to ask the slith leader Hross about ‘boat’, then ask Meathinn about ‘boat’ too. Go to the SHADOWY FOREST to the northeast. SHADOWY FOREST - Expect a battle at outdoor x37, y8 - Head for the clearing in the middle and you will be directed back to Meathinn in RHISSINN. RHISSINN - Ask Meathinn about ‘woods’ and she will tell you, you need the Faerie Horn. - Ask Amnorass about ‘horn’ and he will tell you to look in the BURIAL CAVERNS in the west. BURIAL CAVERENS - To the west at x5, y9 there is a cloak made of Aspskin to find. If you take it there is a pop-up that says ‘The spirits do not freely give what is theirs’ but I don’t know what effect it has on the game. - To the northeast at x24, y7 there is a ghost called Isselk to talk to. He asks you for help in returning his spear to him and tells you that you need the ‘feather of flight’ to get to the cave it’s in. - To the south at x14, y25 you find the grave of Sss-Tsorrth. Dig it up. You will find, you need the Serpent’s Jewel to get the horn, then you will battle a few undead. - The passage at x16, y5 leads to a room with two statues that won’t let you through. There is nothing for you here yet. Go to SNAKEFEN in the middle of the swamp. SNAKEFEN - At outdoor x18, y19 you will find Asptongue Mold and a minor fight with magical asps. - Upon entering prepare to fight more magical asps. - After you have killed all the asps cast Move Mountains on the stalagmites that block you path to the inner land. - When you search this area a monster will ask you to make a choice in order to get the Serpent’s Jewel. You can either give it all your food and gold (25000 max) and get the jewel, or you can keep your food and gold and kill it and still get the jewel. Whichever you think would be better for you. Go back to the BURIAL CAVERNS and put the gem in the grave and you will be given the horn. Go back to the SHADOWY FOREST. SHADOWY FOREST - Return to the center of the forest and blow the horn. - Answer the riddle. (thunder) - Search the forest for secret paths. Starting at x17, y9 go nw, w, w, w, nw, nw, w, w, w, sw, s, se, e, and take the weighted rope. Go to RHSSINN to see the new boats and speak to everyone there again for more story. Go back to the commander for your next ‘mission’. Go back to the BAT CAVE BAT CAVE - Th ere is a secret passage at x17, y10 and at x25, y13 that leads to a special. You are asked what it is that you seek the answer is the item that is necessary to get to the cave over the chasm. ‘feather of flight’ - The secret passage at x5, y8 is the way out of the cave. Go to the ICY LAIR across the chasm using the feather. ICY LAIR - Make your way to the center to find the Rusty Spear. - On your way back you can stop for a few different things. - Behind the Magical Barrier at x33, y29 there is a cryohydra to kill but no treasure except what it drops when it dies. - In the corner of the spiderwebs at x5, y5 you can learn the spell Cure Party. - Walk through the cave wall at x35, y10 and talk to Seolith. Answer his question ’01:05:27’ he will tell you what to say to Vaiskann. - Walk through the cave wall at x11, y14 and talk to Vaiskann. ‘seun’, ‘empi’, ‘repa’, ‘fall’. This will enable you to find Seunass. - North of x15, y9 there is a battle with a few ice lizards. Then look at the stalagtites to the far east. You should find some lizard eggs there. Go back to the BURIAL CAVERNS and give the rusty spear to Isselk. He will disappear and leave you a Quicksilver necklace as a reward. Go back to the BAT CAVE and sit on the throne. SEUNASS’S PALACE (This dungeon is not necessary to win the game.) - In order to get to a door in the pillar room go into combat mode before stepping on the nodes that make them disappear. Behind the NE door is a portal out, behind the SE door is a room full of lava with fire salamanders to fight. - The following is a diagram of the fire room to show where it is safe to step. L L OO O O L L O L L L L L L L O L L L L L L O L O O L L O L O L L O O L L O L L O L O O L L L O - The levers mean nothing in the next room instead just cast Move Mountains/Shatter on the doors and you will be let in. - Talk to Seunass. He has much story for you to read. Tell him 'boon', 'item' and he will trade your ice lizard eggs for a Dispell Knife which casts Dispell Barrier 5 times. - Search the scrolls at x5, y22 to learn the spell Martyr's Shield. - There is a black shade in the wall of the room with you so if you decide to steal the scrolls you will have to battle Seunass and the Ur-Basiliks. Be prepared. You can't reach the black shade so just close the door on him. - If you do kill Seunass collect the rewards and leave the junk. The metal bars are Uranium and will disease you if you keep them. The helmet in the cabinet is a Mask of Burdens which is a heavier object, but it is worth $500 to you if you keep it long enough to sell it. - The scrolls on the shelves are one of Kill and one of Stealth. - To leave go back the way you came and go into combat mode before crossing the last row of pillars so the door doesn't dissapear. Go to RHISSINN and take a boat north out of the city. Caution: If you leave to the east or west you will lose your boat in the middle of the water. At outdoor x14, y16 there is a Ring of Stealth for you to find. It triggers a battle but a bug makes you wait until you have left your boat before the battle begins. Go to EITHN EITHN - Talk to everyone for more story. - At x8, y34 there are two statues that do not let you pass. Touch each of the three pools of calm water and they will let you by. - Talk to Sss-Szera and answer his question for his ‘request’. Go back to EMPIRE CAMP - You will find it changed. - Talk to Icaraian to learn where to meet the commander at. - Fight Eoss Go to SECLUDED CAMP in the Stalagtite Field. - Talk to the Commander to receive your last ‘task’. Go back to EITHN - Enter EITHN by boat from the east. - Land next to the window at x37, y23. - Look at the window. Say ‘yes’. - Go in the door and enter into Sss-Szera’s throne room. - Decide if you want to join the sliths or not. - Kill all enemies. - Take the boat at the dock east out of the city. Go to the BURIAL CAVERNS - Go through to the northern cavern. - Depending on what you decided to do in EITHN, you may have to do battle here or you can decide to either go with the sliths or to stay with the Empire. THE END |
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