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Nightfall | |||||||||||||||||||
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1. There's no fighting to do here. How do I get out of this place HINT: Certain events have to take place here to get the story going. Talk to everybody, and explore everything. ANSWER: Talk thoroughly with Dr. Shrag, Dr. Sheerin, and Dr. Theremon and make sure you learn everything they have to tell you. Then get permission from Dr. Theremon to enter the observatory and read the report in the side room. Events will proceed from there. SARO UNIVERSITY - THE AFTERMATH 2. My brand new party is ill equipped and there are lunatics everywhere. How do I find Dr. Sheerin and escape this place? HINT: You can get where you need to go without venturing out into the open. Also notice the large number of dead bodies. How might they be of use to you?} ANSWER: No, there are no shops open here anymore. Search the dead bodies for armor and weapons. The largest group of lunatics is between the Observatory and the Archaeology building. Circle around the perimeter of the buildings, and you'll find Dr. Sheerin hiding west of the Arch./Psych. building. When you leave the university to the north, look for Bartertown along the road. Supplies are there. 3. I need weapons, armor, food and supplies. HINT: Consider what has happened. Society has broken down, but there are likely to be survivors like yourselves banding together. Leave the university and go find them. ANSWER: Follow the road north from the university. You'll soon find a village on the left where you can buy and sell items, get identification & training, and find useful information. SARO CITY 4. How do I get in? HINT: If this place is all that important, it's unlikely I'd make it impossible to enter. Look again, and be thorough. ANSWER: Go to the southeast corner and follow the waterline west. There's a wall broken open. 5. I can't find Coriolanus. Is he in that center section that I can't get into? HINT: That's a good possibility. Where can you get something that will make them let you in there? Who else is friendly? ANSWER: Talk to Jerroll, the kid in the first room you entered. He has to give you a message scroll for Coriolanus, and that's your ticket into the center rooms. 6. Coriolanus described three routes. Which one should I take? HINT: Have you tried ANY of them yet? Just head on out, and don't be such a baby. ANSWER: All three will get you to Amgando. They each have different challenges. They're all of about equal difficulty, although the middle route through Pendrell Vale is probably slightly harder than the other two. ROCKY WASTELAND/OGRE TERRITORY 7. How do I get past the ogre-filled pass at the north end of the road? HINT: That's the goal of this section. To do anything productive in this area, you'll need to find an important ally. ANSWER: The ally you need in this area is Goffanon, the friendly ogre mage. His house is in the far southwest corner of this whole area. Talk to him. 8. Where can I find a bighorn sheep? HINT: They're solitary, nomadic beasts. Keep your eyes pee led, and be patient. ANSWER: They are found only as wandering monsters. I've tried to make the scenario at least a little bit ecologically correct, so hang around the watering holes (except Goffanon's house). One will come along eventually. 9. I've completed Goffanon's first mission. What do I say to him to get the second one? HINT: Don't assume that his dialogue will always remain the same when you ask him about various things. ANSWER: Assuming that you've killed Bergdrath, ask Goffanon about 'job' and then about 'save' or 'people.' He will then tell you what to do next. 10. Where's the hobgoblin Vomisa? HINT: Where did Goffanon say you would find her? Did you search ALL of those locations? Did you go back and look at any of them again after he told you where she would be? Be thorough and systematic. ANSWER: She is in one of the abandoned mines. Follow the road north. Before it reaches the chasm, there is an opening in the mountains to the west. Enter there, then go south. 11. How do I cross the chasm? HINT: Looks pretty deep, doesn't it? Think very logically on this one. ANSWER: You can't. To get from one side to the other, you'll have to circle way around to the south. 12. Where are the Ursagi Hillmen? Do they really exist? HINT: If they do still exist, they are likely not very numerous, and they are very secretive. Be thorough in your searching. ANSWER: Look for secret passages through the mountains in the northeast portion of this region. 13. Are there any towns with shops in this area? HINT: The region IS desolate. There aren't likely to be full-blown towns (friendly ones, at any rate), but there may be individuals who can assist you. ANSWER: Goffanon is your best resource. He can identify items. You can store things in his entryway. He will give you some food (not a lot). There are useful spells in his bookshelves, if your mage lore is high enough. There is also a hermit who sells a few useful things in one of the mines to the east. PENDRELL VALE 14. How do I get through the swamp? HINT: Very carefully. ANSWER: Very carefully. 15. Are there any towns with shops in this area? HINT: Does this region look like a center of commerce to you? Look around. You may find some helpful people. Maybe. ANSWER: Not as such. There's a guy selling a good selection of shields to the southwest. A dead guy left a cache of useful things to the east. There's a regrowing alchemy component in one place. One of the cave openings in the north end of the valley houses two people who are the most helpful in this area. OLD CAVE/TOMB 16. How do I get beyond the first chamber? HINT: Examine the area carefully, and consult your spell lists. ANSWER: Use Move Mountains on the crumbling basalt wall. 17. How do I get the shiny object out of the freezing pool? HINT: If at first you don't succeed . . . ANSWER: . . .try, try again. 18. How do I get through the rune-covered doors? HINT: Everything you need is somewhere in the tomb. Be thorough in your explorations. ANSWER: Each door needs a different key\: a silver pyramid, a finger bone key, and an onyx scarab. The pyramid is in the pool by the entrance. The other two are in secret rooms. MAN-MADE TUNNELS 19. How do I get past the guards at the gate at the south end? HINT: Who do you suppose they're working for? Make them think you're some of those people. You'll find what you need to do this elsewhere. ANSWER: Find the pixie glade in the cave opening to the east. Kill the ursag and get the pixies to let you in to their cave sealed by the force field. Use the red robes to disguise yourselves as Disciples when you approach the guards. 20. How do I get through the gate at the north end? HINT: The gate has a door, and the door has a lock, and the lock has a keyhole. Who knows, maybe somebody has the key. ANSWER: The key is in Mondior's chambers, in the upper level of the complex. You'll have to work your way through to get there. TEMPLE OF THE DISCIPLES 21. Where is the information explaining what the Disciples knew about the eclipse? HINT: Sacred knowledge like that is likely to be very well hidden. It's probably not in the care of the acolytes or soldiers. ANSWER: Make your way across the room with the water & bridges, then through the maze to the east. The room you seek is at the end. 22. How do I get across the room with the water & bridges? HINT: Read the inscription on the obelisk. Pay close attention to the spelling. ANSWER: From the space with the statue on it, follow the path that a knight in a chess game would take (1 up & 2 over, or 2 up & 1 over). Incidentally, I hope you spent at least some time trying to figure it out, because I spent a hell of a long time figuring out how to put this puzzle together. SOUTHERN COASTLANDS/NEPHILIM TERRITORY 23. Whom should I side with in the human/nephilim battle? HINT: Well, are you a cat person or a people person? ANSWER: You can pick either one. The group you side with will be friendly to you from then on, and the one you fight will be hostile. You have to deal with both groups no matter what, so the scenario difficulty is about the same either way. 24. How do I get past the canyon with the Nephilim dropping rocks on my head? HINT: Explore elsewhere first. Opportunities will present themselves. ANSWER: Go north and fight in the human/nephilim battle near the road. If you help the nephilim win, they'll give you a talisman to get past. If you help the humans win, you'll be able to find a way around on the east side of the peninsula. 25. How do I free the human prisoners in the nephilim keep? HINT: You need to unlock the cell door. Find the key. ANSWER: Find the secret passage near the altar. Answer the riddles and go down to the treasure room. The key is there. 26. I can't figure out thes e stupid riddles on the upper level of the nephilim keep. HINT: They all have to do with cats. ANSWER: "claws," "fish," and "tail." WESTERN COASTLANDS 27. Where is Commander Grigsby? HINT: Search the area well. He is at one of the humans' major encampment sites. ANSWER: If the humans are friendly to you, he is at the northernmost camp, behind the trees. If they are hostile, you will fight him at the third camp you attack, no matter which order you attack them in. 28. How do I get across the northernmost bridge? HINT: What did the guards at the bridge tell you? ANSWER: Find Commander Grigsby and get a pass from him. You can do this whether the humans are friendly or not; either he gives you one, or you kill him and forge one. 29. How do I get across the chasms with the raised drawbridges? HINT: Read the sign. ANSWER: You'll have to go to Castle Grimwood (slightly southwest) and talk to Baron Oberon and the others there to find a way to get around. CASTLE GRIMWOOD 30. What am I supposed to do here? HINT: You need to find a way to get across the drawbridges. Talk to people. ANSWER: There is some intrigue going on in this castle. Talk to everybody, and figure out who is suspicious of who and why. Vincenzio is very important, and so is the person being held in the cells. Pay close attention to subtle clues in the dialogue. 31. Are there any shops or adventurers' services here? HINT: Everyone here will talk to you, except the guards. Some of them may have useful services or information for you. ANSWER: You can rest in the westernmost barracks, and there is food lying around in places where you would expect it. Alistair will buy your excess items and give you training. Vincenzio has various alchemy-related things, and can identify items for you. 32. How do I get into the cells? HINT: Talk to people. Who is probably in charge of the key, and where could it be?} ANSWER: The key is in Alistair's dresser. You can't open Angelo's cell. Just talk to him through the bars. 33. Where is Angelo's bag? HINT: Vincenzio has possession of it (not on his person of course) ANSWER: Enter Vincenzio's back hallway, and push through the force field. It's in the chest. 34. How do I get from the secret passage into the kennels? HINT: Go back and look again at what Angelo told you about it. It's not a standard secret door. ANSWER: Once Angelo has told you about it, you'll be able to find a catch mechanism in Vincenzio's altar. It will open a wall. SEA CAVES 35. How do I get across the pathway being swept by waves? HINT: Be patient. Stand nearby and watch the tides for a while. Watch for patterns and keep count of when the path is covered by water and when it's not. ANSWER: The waves over the path come in a cycle: 10 moves covered (unsafe), 2 moves uncovered (safe), 14 moves covered, 4 moves uncovered, 12 moves covered, 6 moves uncovered, and then repeat. You need to walk across when you'll have 6 consecutive turns with the path not covered by water. 36. How do I get across (or around) the stepping stones without being swept off and drowned? HINT 1: This is the most complex puzzle in the scenario. What is notable about the stalagmites? What might have made such markings, and how might it be used? HINT 2: You need the rope. It's back in the castle. Who would have it? ANSWER: Go to the one of the sets of stalagmites at either end of the stepping stones and 'use' the rope to tie one end to them. Run the other end along the path to the middle (slightly north) stalagmites and 'use' it again to leave the end there. Walk around to the other side of those stalagmites and pick up the loose end of the rope. Take it to the third stalagmites and 'use' it again to tie the loose end to it. You'll now have the rope tied as a handline across the water and will be able to walk across. MISCELLANEOUS 37. Once I make it through to Amgando by one of the three routes, can I go back down by one of the other routes? ANSWER: Not if you haven't been "up" by those other routes already. Each route must be solved south to north at least once. Then you'll be able to go freely north and south in the routes you've already worked your way through. 38. Where can I find some 4th level spells? HINT: They are scattered among the three different routes to Amgando. ANSWER: Goffanon in the Rocky Wasteland has some mage spells, as does Trillian in the Abandoned Mine in Pendrell Vale, and some others are available either from one of the human camps led by Commander Grigsby, or the Nephil shamans, depending on whom you befriended. Some key priest spells can be found in the Temple of the Disciples. Search the bookshelves. The remaining 4th level priest spells can be bought from Vroomfondel in Amgando, along with 5th level mage spells.} 39. Can I figure out all your secrets by reading "Nightfall," the novel, by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg? HINT: Read it and see. It's a really good book. ANSWER: No. I took the basic story concept from the book, as well as some of the character and town names, but you won't find much else in common. It's not even a fantasy setting. It's still a good book, though. Thanks for playing "Nightfall." I hope you liked it. If you have comments, bug reports, congratulations, or criticisms, e-mail me. --Scott Evans --mountaineer@loop.com |
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