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Spears | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Hint Sheet by Stareye |
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Hint Sheet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Spears Hint File By: Brian C Kiedrowski (Stareye) Stuck? Can't solve a puzzle? Don't know where to go next while playing Spears? Well, you've come to the right place. This file will answer most of the questions and get you through the main plotline of the scenario. The optional tangents are not discussed here. Also, if your question is not on here, e-mail me or post on the Spiderweb Message Board and I'll do my best to answer your question. The format of this file is in simple question and answer format. Part one covers the beginning of the game. Parts two and three tell how to win depending if you pick the Sliths or the Undine respectively. |
Table of Contents I) The Early Parts A) Fort Silver B) Setting Out II) Helping the Sliths A) Liberating the Sliths B) Securing Peace Talks C) The Slaves Strike Back D) The Search for the Rebels E) Harvest Manor F) Tracking the Rebels G) Hopelessly Lost H) The Interrogation I) The Final Showdown J) Winning the Slith Side III) Helping the Undine A) Locating the Scepter B) The Sliths Surrender C) Returning the Scepter D) Winning the Undine Side E) Tracking Enulene F) The Philosopher's Cloak G) Harvest Manor H) Zkal's Legacy |
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Part One: The Early Parts Fort Silver Q1) Okay, I just started, where do I go? A1) You should be in the portal room and there should be a portal graphic behind you. If not, your graphics file is not working properly and you need to deal with that immediately. Anyway, immediately head east and up the stairs. Continue east until the path forks south. Head south into a structure with two banners on the front. Take the door on the west and you should meet the commander. Q2) How do I leave the fort? A2) The exit to the fort is north of the command center. If you cannot leave, you need to see the commander. See question 1. Q3) Where can I train, rest, get equipment, food, identification etc? A3) The commander will train you, just ask. Your barracks are in the western part of the fort. Equipment is in the storeroom north of your barracks. Food is available in the cafeteria across from the barracks. Identification is available from a mage living south of the mage lab. You can sell your items back down on the lower level to the soldier keeping track of the supplies. Q4) What about spells!? A4) The Empire has strict rules and regulations against selling magic and other creatures are not very willing to. There are a few spell shops, but they are hidden and scattered. Most of the spells can be ascertained in dungeons. |
Setting Out Q5) Where can I get experience? A5) There is a goblin pit north of the fort where you can bash some goblins. You will also find them outdoors in the northern tunnels. The mayor of Gramm wants you to kill the leader of the Separatists, which will net you some experience and treasure. Further west you will find a cave of fungal creatures that should level you. When you meet the Sliths, head into the western parts of their territories and take on the valley of undead. The Undine have a few minor quests for you as well. There are tons of side quests around for you to gain experience. Q6) Where should I go first? A6) If you are confident you have enough experience and are well supplied, start out by heading west. You should soon reach the end of Empire territory. Continue west and cross the next river by the river crossing via the rocks. After this, head north and find Dasakkoss, the Slith capital. Q7) So I made it to Dasakkoss, now what? A7) You need to speak to the leader, Althoss. He lives in his house in the western side of the city. Listen to his story. Q8) I've heard the Slith's side of the story, where do I find a boat to reach the Undine? A8) First you need to find a boat. To get one, go north past the Slith gates. You should reach the shore of the Undine's lake. Head west and you should find the Western Lake Fort. Speak with the commander and he will give you the boat. Q9) So I have the boat. Now what? A9) You need to reach the Undine capital, Aquanos. The journey through the lake is somewhat treacherous due to all the rock barriers the Undine put in place. Navigate your way north from the West Lake Fort and head east until you reach a city entirely surrounded by water. This is Aquanos. Go inside and speak with Enulene who is working in the labs in the northeastern part of the city. Q10) So I heard both sides of the story, whom do I help? A10) That is for you to decide. Either way you choose, it is possible to win so I encourage you to try both. To make your decision, explore the world and other towns a bit. Talk to the people and get their sides of the story. In the end, your decision will come between two things: Helping the Sliths who are being held against their will by directing harming the Undine (could jeopardize a peace) or by helping the Undine indirectly but ignoring their moral transgressions -- a minimalist approach the Empire prefers to use. |
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Part Two: Helping the Sliths Liberating the Sliths Q11) How do I help the Sliths? A11) You need to do as Althoss wishes. He needs you to raid the Undine labor camp by going through a secret tunnel they discovered. Q12) Where is the Labor Camp and this Tunnel? A12) The labor camp is in the northwestern corner of the Undine's territories. To get there, head west from the West Lake Fort and then head north. Eventually you should reach a shore where a little further north is a large structure. This is where the Sliths are being held. From there, head northwest and then north and go behind the fort. Look for secret passages in the stalagmites. Proceed east through the swampy area. And then head south through the secret passage. When you come out stick north. Search the northern cave wall for another secret passage. When you do, head west and you should find the tunnel. Q13) I'm in the tunnels, where do I go now? A13) From the entrance, stick to the west and search for a secret passage in the western wall. You need to reach 36,24. From there, continue down the spider-infested section and at the end you should find a large hole. This is the point of no return! If you want to change your mind here, this is the time to do it. If you choose to continue, you should encounter a creature called an Opticon. Kill it quickly or else you will meet some guards on the other side. The exit is toward the south. Q14) So I'm in the camp, where to next? A14) Head south to the entrance as quickly as you can. Going anywhere else will get you into fights. Q15) I made it into the gate, where are the controls? A15) The controls are in the southern part of the wall fort. Take either entrance and you should find a door leading into the center area about half way down the hall. Go into the antechamber and head south into the dining hall. Here you have a big fight. Kill the sorceress as quickly as possible to prevent her from casting her spells. Once the soldiers are dead, head south and use the controls. After that, you've done it! The Sliths are free! Q16) The Sliths are free! Now what? A16) Leave through the newly opened gate in the south. You should have some fights, but they shouldn't be too hard. After escaping, head back to Fort Silver and speak with the commander. |
Securing Peace Talks Q17) What do I do first? A17) Speak with Althoss who will offer a magical ring to the Undine to help get the peace talks rolling. Q18) The Aquanos gatekeeper won't let me in! What now!? A18) Well, if you cannot get in through conventional means, you are going to need to break in. A teleporter would be most effective. Speak with Althoss and then Bladesman Centron who will direct you to Othogon. Othogon is in the mage lab in the eastern part of the fort. Ask him about the teleporter and he will create one. Use it to get into Aquanos and speak with Queen Isazel. Q19) I met with Isazel, what do I do now? A19) Speak with Althoss and then Bladesman Centron. They will do the rest of the work for you. The peace talks will soon arrive. |
The Slaves Strike Back Q20) So the peace talks ended in disaster. What do I do now? A20) Speak with Althoss. He will fill you in. You will find him in the war room, which is on the eastern side of Dasakkoss. Q21) Where is Seablaze Tower? A21) Head north of Aquanos. The guards should let you pass the gate to reach the tower. Q22) How do I help Zaevess (the Slith sorceress)? A22) First you need to get permission to meet with her. Ask the commander if you can meet with Zaevess. She will reluctantly let you see her. Listen to Zaevess carefully. Head upstairs and find the commander's room in the southern part of the tower. The chest requires a password. To get it, speak with the mages upstairs. One of them should tell you about the Troglodyte and using a charm spell. Head to the cells in the southeast corner of the tower and use Charm Foe on the Troglodyte. He will tell you the password: Opal. Use that and get the key. Go back downstairs and use the key on the panel. Unfortunately, secondary defenses will kick in preventing your from releasing her. This all you can do now. Q23) Where is Nath on the Battle Hill? A23) He resides in the center part of the battlefield. The quickest way is to head north around the rocks and then south. Finding Nath should not be too difficult as shouldn't the battle with him. |
Search for the Rebels Q24) Where in the name of the gods do I begin? A24) Speak with Althoss who will direct you back to Empire resources. Othogon surveyed the area and noticed something. Ask him about Nath and he will direct you toward Bvass. Q25) Where do I do in Bvass? A25) First speak with the sage, Vorad. He will give you advice on the bartender Slacoss. Buy about five drinks from the bar and he'll open up about various people. First ask him about Nath, he will direct you to the temple. Go there and you should find a dead end but a suspicious priestess. Next you should ask him about the priestess, Ensava. You will learn that she is easily corruptible and will accept bribes. Offer her a bribe and then ask her again about Nath. She will spill the deal on that. Q26) I need two red crystals. Where can I find them? A26) There are two in Bvass. One can be purchased from Ensava at a steep cost. The other is in one of the apartments in the southern part of town. Q27) How do I win the tough fights in the passage Beneath Bvass? A27) They are tough, but you can disable them by searching for secret passages. Push the buttons in the metal boxes at 61,39 and 44,4 to make your life easier. Q28) How do I get the Slith guard to open the gate on the lower level? A28) You don't. Head back upstairs and head west. One of the storage rooms with have a cracked floor. Use Move Mountains and climb down. Q29) Where do I find out where Nath went? A29) There is a clue in the trash pit in the eastern part of the lower level. Q30) Where is Zaevess' message? A30) If you attempted to release Zaevess back at Seablaze, this will become available to you. Search the temple in the southeastern part of the lower level. Q31) How do I get Vulcan Amber? A31) Ask Althoss about Vulcan Amber and he will direct you to the treasury beneath Dasakkoss. Head down the stairs north of the war room and go to the northeast part. Ask the keeper about Vulcan Amber and he will give it to you. |
Harvest Manor Q32) Why am I here? What is this place? A32) You have been held because outside forces who have vested interests in the conflict between the Sliths and the Undine see you as a threat to their plans. Q33) What do I do first? A33) You should be led by the servant Laskin to the study. Disobey him and read the tome in the southern part. Soon afterward, Laskin will return and lead you to the master of this place. Q34) How do I get out of here!? A34) After the first night of rest, go back and eat with Cerium. She will ask you if there is any way she can make your stay more comfortable. Ask her if you can read the books in her study. She will agree. Read some of the books, you should find a book of alchemical recipes. You may want to write these down. Go around and gather ingredients. Don't worry, they grow back overnight. It may take a few days, but you will eventually get enough. Your goal is to make Phantom Venom. When you produce and you are ready to escape, give it to Laskin. The next day, he will poison Cerium's food. Q35) The Gargoyles are going berserk! How the heck do I win? A35) You are no match for them. Bless and haste yourself and make a mad rush for the teleporter in the northern part of the manor. |
Tracking the Rebels Q36) Where is the River Passage? A36) Cross the bridge east of Rassdan and head south. Q37) How do I navigate the minefield? A37) Very carefully; be sure not to get close too the crystal mines. To begin, head back behind the captain and then go north, looking for secret passages all the way. Continue east and stay in the center. Search the northern wall and carefully sidestep the mines as you head north. Continue west being careful not to set off the mine around the corner. Stick north and search for secret passages. Loop around and search the southern wall to access the rune trigger at 6,15. From there, loop back around and carefully make your way to the trigger at 22,22. From there, head north and hit the trigger at 14,5. That should take care of all the mines. Return to the party and head east along the shore. Q38) How do I defeat the ambush? A38) There are no tricks here. Only good old fashioned fighting. Doing this fight quickly will limit the casualties. Q39) What do I do in the undead area? A39) First, whatever you do, do NOT rob the dead. Before leaving, you need to sanctify the altar at 39,24. To get there, search for a secret passage on the western cave wall west of the exit. Q40) What do I do with Zaevess' Vulcan Amber? A40) When you reach the Hideout, instantly head north through the mage quarters. Place the gem on the dais at 44,4 in the basalt structure. Q41) Where is Nath? A41) From the entrance head west and enter a barracks. Take the northern exit and continue north. You should find Nath in the dining hall at the end of the hallway. Fight him. Soon he will flee to the east; chase him. Eventually, you will encounter him where he will use Obsidian to send you into the abyss. |
Hopelessly Lost Q42) Where do I go first? A42) You should find yourself on a shore. First gather some food to your west and rest up a little to regain your strength. Then go east until you encounter some Mantis. You should be able to fight the first, however, the second ambush will be difficult. Fortunately, help arrives. Follow him to reach the safe area. Talk to Gnast and Evola to get some valuable plot info. Q43) What do I after finding Gnast and Evola? A43) Search Bassik's quarters. You should find some interesting info in the chest. Search the stalagmite and you should find some useful treasure including a sapphire and an important shielding crystal. Q44) Where do I find Bassik's meditation device and how do I use it? A44) After searching Bassik's chest, you should head back to where you were when Gnast rescued you. Continue off to the west and then head south and you should find the device. You will need two sapphires to use it. Continue west and search the southern wall near where the cave curves north. You should find another sapphire. More are available further north. When you have what you need, place the sapphires on the two daises and stand in front of the crystal in the lava (do NOT remove it) and meditate. Q45) What do I do while in meditation? A45) Mobility is very weird in here, so try your best to move around. First, open the automap and take notes of locations. Significant places are in the northern and northeastern parts of the cavern. Take note of the fragile wall and the place where your spirit can get outside. You can wait near here to be rescued. Q46) How do I get past the horde of Mantis? A46) Fighting them is very difficult and not advised. Instead go west from Bassik's device and head north, avoiding the Mantis as feasible. Loop around until you reach a narrow passage north of the Mantis horde. Note the peephole. North of that passage, use Move Mountains on the fragile cave wall you noticed while in mediation. This will release a lot of water and drown out the Mantis. Q47) How do I prevent Bassik from killing me? A47) First you will be forced to answer questions. The answers are: sss, eskalis, and dalvoss. If you cannot get these, you will be forced to fight three Mantis -- tough but possible. After doing either, you will be accepted into "Bassik's Kingdom". Listen carefully to where you can and cannot go. You may wish to speak with him as he has some interesting plot information. Q48) How do I escape Bassik's Realm? A48) First speak with Evola and find out what's going on. Next head into your sleeping quarters to the northeast and search the western wall for a secret passage. After finding this, return and tell Evola about the passage. When you are ready, she will distract Bassik. Return to the passage and head directly for the altar. Remove the crystal and all heck will break loose. Use your shielding crystals you found to escape through the secret passage in the eastern passage at 30,16. Q49) How do I get rescued? A49) After dealing with Bassik, head north and wait at the area arou nd 52,20. Eventually, the rescue party will detect you and dig you out. If you delivered Zaevess' Vulcan Amber, she will appear shortly before the rescue. Listen to her carefully. Before heading to the final showdown with Nath, you may wish to meet with her at the Obelisk. |
The Interrogation Q50) How do I interrogate the prisoners? A50) You need to make the Brew of Coercion. You need Vampire Fangs and Naga Blood. Use the alchemy lab west of the brig to create it. Simply place the ingredients on the cauldron. Q51) Where do I find Vampire Fangs and Naga Blood? A51) Vampire fangs are found by killing a vampire, human or otherwise. There are several throughout the scenario such as in the Eerie Tower (undead valley west of Rassdan), Watery Graves, and the Ruined Troglo Fort (northeastern corner of map). Naga Blood is located in various potion racks or by killing a Naga who live in the Snake Pit in the northeastern corner. |
The Final Showdown Q52) Where is Nath's Spire? A52) Southwest of the West Lake Fort. Search for secret passages among the rocks to get to the shore where you can enter. Q53) Where is Nath? A53) When you board the shore, kill the three Sliths there. The gate will open. Continue north and talk to your ally who let you in. Continue north upstairs. Head north until the big dining hall, turn west and head upstairs to the labs. Fight your way through the labs and climb the great spire. At the top you should find Nath with his top generals. Q54) How do I chase Nath and navigate the Spires? A54) When you reach the top of the spire, Nath will flee, leaving you to fight his generals. After they are dead, head down the Spire and encounter Nath again who will flee to his quarters. Wait for the flames to die down and continue to follow him by climbing down the rocks. Head east where your allies will encounter Nath. He makes short order of them and continues to run. Follow him north and down the stairway. Fight off the creatures he summons (Dispel Summons is useful here) and continue to follow him. Cross the bridge (see Question 55) and get through the ancient basalt structure (see Question 56). You will end up at a large battle scene where you meet your allies where you are going to trap Nath. Head north to the circular spire. Head counter-clockwise and enter the structure in the northeast corner. Search the northern wall for a secret passage, Nath will strike you and run. Continue following him counter-clockwise and go up the stairway at 8,9 and fight the final battle with Nath (see Question 57). Q55) How do I cross the crumbling bridge? A55) If you have the spell Featherfoot, cast it and you will be able to cross fine. If not, head down the stairs and find the barrel of Caesium. Move it into the pool of water and a chemical reaction resulting in a big explosion will open the gate on the other side allowing you to circumvent the bridge. Q56) How do I get past the hot/cold floor in the ancient basalt structure? A56) You need to equalize the temperatures by having equal squares of lava and equal squares of water flowing beneath the floor. Note that Nath has forced the lever at 58,58 to the open position forcing 7 hot squares. Pull the levers at 51,58 (adding 4 hot squares), 58,56 (6 cold squares), 51,56 (3 cold squares), and 47,56 (2 cold squares). This should equalize the temperatures allowing you to pass. Q57) How do I defeat Nath? A57) Seems Nath is not so easy after all with all his abilities, eh? NPCs really, really help here. If you don't have them, just bless and haste and hit Nath with all you have got. Keep your HP high as when you get his HP near zero, Nath will pull a very devastating technique causing major damage. After he does this technique, you will find yourself with zero HP and Nath (now Invulnerable) charging up for a final devastating strike. Quickly move toward him. When you get adjacent to him, the scenario takes over; enjoy the show. Congratulations! You've beaten Nath! But is there more... Q58) I killed Nath, but I still lost!!! A58) You need to deal with Zaevess before going to Nath. Read the section below on Winning the Slith Side. |
Winning the Slith Side Q59) What do I need to do to win? (MAJOR SPOILERS) A59) Zaevess is the key to winning the Sliths. You need to gain her trust, allowing her to infiltrate her plans. At the last minute, you need to trick her into killing herself. After she is dead, go and kill Nath (see The Final Showdown). Q60) How do I gain Zaevess' trust? A60) First, you need to attempt to release her from the prison at Seablaze (see Question 22). Next you need to find her message Beneath Bvass (see Question 30). Next do as she says and deliver her the Vulcan Amber (see Questions 31 and 40). Finally, she will tell you about the Obelisk. Meet with her there. Q61) Where is the Obelisk and what do I do there? A61) The Obelisk is northeast of Aquanos. If you gained Zaevess' trust (see Question 60), she will let you in. Talk to her and find out about the Vulcan Core and her need for Vulcan Amber. She believes you may be able to find some in Eskalis and gives you coordinates for them. Q62) How do I reach Eskalis? A62) After Zaevess gives you the coordinates at the Obelisk, take them to Kristie back at Fort Silver. She will reconfigure the main teleporter so you can reach Eskalis. Q63) Where do I find the three Vulcan Amber stones? A63) After reaching Eskalis, the three stones you require are: In Dazamar, the Troglodyte capital. Talk to the leader and she will agree to give you the stone if you can kill the Ettin in the Northern Mines. Go to the Northern Mines and talk to the mine captain and he will let you in. Once inside, head west and loop around. You should encounter the Ettin. Fight it and it escapes. Chase it and fight it again now with stronger allies. If you found Juggernaut, this weapon is very useful here. Once the Ettin is dead, return to Dazamar and receive your prize. Note that you can steal the Vulcan Amber circumventing the Ettin quest here if you do not mind angering the Troglodytes forever. In the Northern Mines. When inside, head east and then south. Search for secret passages in the east wall. Head south and fight the undead Troglodytes. The Vulcan Amber is located in the trash pit. In Fort Mahlan. To get in, you need to go through the Southern Mines. The Troglodytes past the entrance gate are hostile here, so be prepared. You need to reach the gate in the northeast corner. However, the gatekeeper will not let you pass unless you can trick him. You need to find some Khazi robes and by wearing the thick garments, you can get past him. You can find them in the secret shrine in the northwestern corners of the mines. However, you need to fight three Khazis at a time that is difficult. More Khazi robes can be found in the Ruined Troglo Fort east of Hydron if you do not mind making a big detour. Once in Fort Mahlan, head north. The gem is at 30,2. First, however, you will need to disarm the trap blocking it (high Disarm Trap skill helps). Once you take it, a powerful demon will be released (the gem was holding him in place). Run away quickly and escape through the Southern Mines. When you have the three gems, return to Fort Silver. Q64) I gave Zaevess the gems and I lost!! How do I trick her? A64) The library back in Dazamar has an intere sting article on mirroring gems and gives you a clue where you could find such a device. Take the teleporter in Aquanos leading to the Nephilim territories and head to the Small Tower northwest of Ankorra. From the entrance, take the northwest door and you should read some interesting things on the sign about the fourth prime within the third base and something about cats, bows, and stags. The fourth prime is the number seven. In base three, the number is 21 or 021, which is the notation you need to use left to right. The riddle of the cats, bows, and stags means 0 = stag, 1 = bow, 2 = cat. Go to the pedestals and input from left to right (west to east), a stag, a cat, and a bow. In a few turns, a secret passage will open. Place one (and ONLY one) of the gems on the dais at 5,7 and cast the spell. The gem will be mirrored and Zaevess will have a nice surprise waiting for her when she uses it. Note if you mirror more than one, you will not like the results. Q65) So now Zaevess is dead, what next? A65) You need to kill Nath. Read the sections on The Interrogation and The Final Showdown for more information. |
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Part Three: Helping the Undine Locating the Scepter Q66) Where is Zkal's Keep? A66) In Aquanos, west of Enulene's lab is another lab with two forcefields. The one on your right (east) will disappear when you get close. On the other side is a teleporter that will take you to a remote area of Avernum. Leave the small cave and head east until you reach Ankorra. Next head north and then loop back west. At the end of the tunnel is Zkal's Keep. Q67) How do I enter the Keep? A67) Step on the rune in the center of the room to lower one of the forcefields. You can only enter here is you have not helped the Sliths. Q68) How do I get rid of the three forcefields? A68) From the entrance chamber, take the southwest door and proceed down the fiery corridor. You should find a ghost in the library with some information. The magical plates you need are (1) on an Undine body at 15,55, (2) in the crate at 55,32 that needs to be pushed into water, and (3) in a chest at 8,10 at the end of the maze. Q69) What's with the crate on the rune at 55,32? A69) Dump the crate into the fountain in the hallway south of the entrance. You will get a glowing plate. Q70) How do I get past the portcullis at 4,24? A70) There is a cracked floor in the storage room at 59,9. Use Move Mountains on it, and you can climb down into the maze. Q71) How do I navigate the maze and what's with the beeping control panel? A71) When you press the button, you are allowed to enter the maze, but you activate a timer that releases quickfire into the maze and you need to hurry. There is no way to reset the timer, you can only stop it and restart it. First find a secret passage at 15,13 and pull the lever at 15,12. Next pull the lever at 3,13. Next pull the lever at 15,6. Finally, make your way to the chest at 8,10 and collect the glowing plate. To leave the maze, find a secret passage at 16,19. Don't go up the first stairway you see, it is a trap! Instead, look for a secret passage at 6,23. The portcullis at 4,24 will open when you stand next to it. Q72) Where is the Scepter? A72) It is north of the entrance past the three forcefields (see Questions 68 through 71). When you get into the chamber, simply take the Scepter and deliver it to Enulene. Q73) I have the Scepter, what do I do with it? What then? A73) Give the Scepter to Enulene and return to the commander of Fort Silver where new events will move the storyline along. |
The Sliths Surrender Q74) So the Undine attacked? Now what? A74) Talk to the people in the besieged Slith towns. You should hear that some of the Slith leadership survived. Q75) Where are the hiding Sliths? A75) Speak with the bartender in Dasakkoss. He will give you an interesting hint. Take the stairway in the eastern side of the city to get to Under Dasakkoss. Search the record room with the scrolls in the northwest corner for a secret passage. The portculli will open when you approach revealing the way to the Resistance Camp. Q76) How do I defeat Althoss? A76) This is a fairly straightforward battle. Use haste and bless spells and keep your HP up. Althoss has a few tricks up his scaly sleeves. Q77) I got Althoss to deal with the surrender, now what? A77) Return to Aquanos with the news then go see Bladesman Centron at Fort Silver and the talks will begin. |
Returning the Scepter Q78) Undead plagues are attacking the Undine! How do I stop them? A78) Speak with Althoss back in Dasakkoss. He will give you a theory that the problem originates from the Scepter. Trust him. Q79) How do I get the Scepter so I can return it? A79) After speaking with Althoss, speak with Isazel and convince her the Scepter is behind the plagues. She will reluctantly allow you to take it. The Scepter is in Enulene's chambers at 59,47 that are in the eastern side of Aquanos. Q80) How do I return the Scepter? A80) Return to Zkal's Keep and search the table from which you took the Scepter. Place the Scepter on the table and prepare to fight a large number of undead. Q81) I returned the Scepter, but the Undead plagues continue! How do I stop them? A81) After returning the Scepter, you will be able to access the upper area of Zkal's Keep. Go there and face Zkal. Once there, take the stairway at 25,21. Q82) How do I defeat the invisible monster? A82) The monster clouds your mind so you cannot see him and he can stay one step ahead of you. Something not alive like a Golem could easily kill him. To perform this, you need to use an item called a Golem Call. To get one, you need to use the machine at 45,44. Q83) How do I get the Golem Call machine to work? A83) First you need to power the spire in the northwestern part of the keep. To do this, you need to get lava flowing beneath the spire (take the stairway at 44,12). You need to unblock the flow of lava to accomplish this, however. Once you do that, use the altar by letting it absorb some of your experience and take the Golem Call. Q84) How do I unblock the lava flow? My pickaxe will not work! A84) A normal pickaxe is too weak to remove the rocks. Instead get the Glowing Pick Axe in the chest at 57,52 and equip that. Q85) How do I defeat the powerful demons on the second level of the Spire? A85) You don't Step on the runes surrounding the chamber to close the gate. Q86) How do I defeat Zkal? A86) Zkal is very tough. First he will charm your NPCs; you can use charm foe to get them back on your side. Make sure you have plenty of potions and other items to get you through this fight. Zkal's weakness is fire and things that specifically target undead monsters. Q87) So I beat Zkal, but Enulene comes in and takes Nightjade and I lose! Now what? A87) You need to take steps to prevent this. See the section below on Winning the Undine Side. |
Winning the Undine Side Q88) Where do I start the winning path? A88) First, when you go to retrieve the Scepter from Enulene's chambers, search the bookshelves in the northern part to get the Power Core Coordinates. This should get you started. Since winning the Undine side is more complex than the Sliths, the sections below will cover the winning conditions of the Undine option. |
Tracking Enulene Q89) How do I use the Power Core coordinates? A89) Take them to Kristie back at Fort Silver. She will reprogram the main teleporter to take you to the power core. Q90) How do I get into the center area of the Power Core? A90) Destroy the crystal at 27,17 that controls Power Core Auxiliary to take down the forcefield. Q91) I keep on getting caught by the Undine. How do I avoid detection? A91) First, do NOT destroy the crystals except for Power Core Auxiliary or the Supply Cache. They will surely notice any major decreases in power. Next, the capacitors must remain intact. If too many are killed, the Undine will notice and check things out. To keep them alive, run away from them and try to leave the Chompers along so they can kill the insects. Q92) I got into the Power Core research station. What do I do here? A92) First, read Enulene's library and check out the pool. Learn about Nightjade and her quest for Psylocke. Also take note of the reference to the Small Tower near Ankorra; this will be important. |
The Philosopher's Cloak Q93) Where should I go from the Power Core Research Station? A93) Take the portal at 45,17 (the northeast one) to get to Brandouer's Estate. Speak with Brandouer about Psylocke. He will agree to give you Psylocke if you can recover the Philosopher's Cloak. Q94) Where is the Philosopher's Cloak? A94) Take the portal at 35,21 (southwestern one) to reach the Remote Tunnels. Q95) Wait a minute! I'm in Harvest Manor, what went wrong!? A95) Read the Section called Harvest Manor in Section Two: Helping the Sliths for more information. The visit here is nearly the same regardless of what side you pick. Q96) So now I'm in the Remote Tunnels? How do I get through this? A96) The statues will have been destroyed so you can proceed. If they are still there, you need to speak with Brandouer about Psylocke first (see Question 93). First take the portal at 34,36. Next take the teleporter at 18,59. Then go to the portal at 39,39. Then search the southern wall behind the teleporter at 31,24 and enter the portal at 33,30. Finally take the portal at 10,6. Next, use Unlock to open the door and fight your way across the bridge. Go up the stairs and prepare to meet Enulene. Q97) How do I win that fight in the cramped hallway near the end!? A97) The hard part are those monsters on the sides. The portals at 2,16 and 49,12 will allow you to fight them independently. The lever at 3,25 alternates the portcullis allowing you to reach the monsters. With the side monsters dead, the fight becomes significantly easier. Q98) How do I unlock the door at 22,8? A98) You don't. This door and the portal behind it are a clever ruse set up by Zkal. Q99) I met Enulene, but she used a water spell and washed me down the pit. Where do I go now? A99) First, heal yourselves immediately! Fight off the slimes and search the northern wall for a teleporter. You will emerge at 31,23. Again, search the southern wall for a secret passage and make your way back to the chamber. Q100) How do I defeat the Nightterror? A100) This fight is very tough as your foe is a proficient magic user and you cannot run away. NPCs are very helpful here as are other tools. Send in your warriors blessed and hasted to make a frontal attacks. Your priest should use Wound while keeping your warriors healthy. Q101) What is the Spirit trying to tell me? How do I "render the helmet inoperable"? A101) In order to win, you need a way to disable Psylocke. To do this get the Scroll of Disenchantment in the Small Tower northwest of Ankorra in the area where you recovered the Scepter. It is located on the scroll rack at 22,9. Q102) How do I get to Psylocke before Enulene back in Brandouer's Estate? A102) Stay away from the dining hall and go up to the study. Search for a secret passage at 30,14 and make your way to the Brandouer's treasury at 37,28. Q103) I'm in the treasury, what do I d o? A103) Immediately pull the lever at 41,30 to buy some time. Psylocke is in the chest at 35,37. Use the Scroll of Disenchantment on the helmet and you will have successfully fooled Enulene. Q104) Enulene and Brandouer are gone. How do I get out? A104) Simply leave the way you came. Q105) So Enulene has Psylocke. Now what? A105) You need to return the Scepter. See the section called Returning the Scepter. |
Harvest Manor Read the Section called Harvest Manor in Section Two: Helping the Sliths for more information. The visit here is nearly the same regardless of what side you pick. |
Zkal's Legacy Q106) Enulene still manages to steal Nightjade after defeating Zkal yet I managed to disable Psylocke! Where do I go now? A106) Enulene took the helmet to a place called the Ritual Cave. Return to the Power Core and use the teleporter to get there. You should find Enulene dead and Nightjade by her side. Q107) What do I do with Nightjade? A107) All you can do is attempt to pick it up. When you do, you will be pulled into Nightjade's Universe. Q108) So now I'm in Nightjade, what do I do here? Where can I get equipment? A108) Speak with Zandabar near the entrance to get some information on this place. You can find equipment scattered throughout the area. Look around. However, you will have to go on pretty bare bones. This series of dungeons is very difficult. Q109) How do I escape Nightjade? A109) You start by climbing the eastern tower. To get here, take the ladder at 34,57 all the way down and continue east. At the end, the distorted gravity will pull you up into the east tower. Prepare for some heavy fighting with low equipment. Q110) I cannot seem to proceed in the Eastern Tower! A110) Wherever you see runes on the walls, search them. It will open things up or switch around some gravity fields allowing you to proceed. Just don't hit the one at 52,13. Q111) Near the top of the tower, a gravitational field (at 55,11) blocks my progress. How do I proceed? A111) You need to hit the runes at 34,17. To get to this floating structure, step off the tower at 45,14. Q112) How do I get past the Fell Drake? A112) Use the runes at 23,43 to regulate the gravitational field that moves the creature around. Position the Fell Drake so the meteor will strike it from a diagonal trajectory. Pull the rod out two increments to do this. Q113) How do I use the laser? A113) The controls are located at 2,24. However, first you will need to power the laser by placing emeralds at 6,18; 8,18; and 10,18. To target the device you need to input coordinates in xxyy as the distance from the aperture (at 12,18). So if you wanted to target the space 16,30 you would input 0412 as your coordinates. (16 - 12 = 04 = XX; 30 - 18 = 12 = YY). To target meteor by the Fell Drake (at 28,39) you would input 1621. Q114) Where can I find three emeralds? A114) You need to kill the Emerald Slashers that can be found around 8,60, 57,38, and 5,4. Q115) How do I defeat Zkal in the Jade Moon? A115) Zkal is VERY, VERY tough; perhaps the most difficult fight in the scenario due to the shifting gravitational fields. Before taking him on, make sure you found as much equipment as you possibly can. Also, let the human side of Zkal train you and don't forget to take the equipment he offers you. Once again, Zkal's weaknesses are fire and undead targeting spells and items. NPCs are very useful here as well. Try to get a fighter in to Zkal for melee, but that may be difficult due to the shifting gravity in the room. This figh t may take several tries as the fields are randomly chosen, so make back up save files before facing him. Q116) So I slew Zkal, now what? A116) Head south from the star field and you should find yourself back in the Ritual Cave. Collect your items and proceed northward and enter the teleporter. Congratulations! You have won!! |
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