Use the runed stone again as soon as you enter this level. More green runes should appear on the walls. Follow the runes through the first network of tunnels to avoid the blades traps. At the first intersection near (13,50) head east, then turn to the northwest through intersections near (18,46), and north at (17,44). There is a secret passage on the rune at (17,38), where you can restore health and spell points. Then continue east into the next chambers. Head straight east and step on (35,36), and some gems will spill on the floor. Pick them up, because you cannot pass the tunnel to the north at (35,35) until the gems have been placed on the proper pedastals. There are three chambers connected to this passage, and in the middle of each are clues as to the order of the gems. Two pedastals in each room have runes behind them: it is on top of these pedastals that the gems must be placed. Gem locations from left to right: ruby or emerald at (31,43) emerald or ruby at (33,43) ruby at (41,42) diamond at (41,40) diamond at (43,36) emerald at (45,34) Go through the passage and follow the runes to the west. The passage east is a long but direct journey to the altar where a certain sword was forged. Do not go this way unless you have the sword and have prayed at least two of the "special" hidden altars. There is one of these altars hidden behind a secret passage on a rune at (36,27). The passage winds around, and there is a secret door that leads to a shortcut around the gazers at (23,19). Kill the two groups of Drakes you encounter, then leave the level through a secret passage at (6,54), which is at the end of the cave of the second group of Drakes.