Drizzt's Blades Of Exile Page

The Brotherhood Of The Hand Main Page

The Brotherhood Of The Hand is my second released scenario.  Latest version is v1.4.0, released 9/03/01.  I added some needed resources, beefed up the trainer a bit, and also fixed some bugs in the Fort Dulak battle.  Many thanks to Skyle for his input and comments.

You have traveled to the furthest reaches of Exile; a place called the Outland.  You mission is uncertain, but your foes will prove to be strong and many.  Your adventures here will take you through mighty fortresses, doomed outposts, ancient temples, and perhaps the most dangerous place of all:  your past.  Along the way, you may find familiar faces, discover tragic stories, and catch a glimpse of a figure that could shatter the Empire with one wave of his staff ....

The Brotherhood Of The Hand is designed for high level parties, and is rated R.  The R rating is solely for some rather violent custom graphics, but nothing out of the ordinary or inappropriate for any Blades Of Exile players.

Download zipped scenario file for The Brotherhood Of The Hand.

Need help?  Have questions on winning the scenario?  E-mail me at risberg@aol.com.  Or post a question to the message boards linked to on the previous page.

There is also a walkthrough available which should help, but feel free to send an email anyway, if you like.

You can also find a map to the lich's ruby maze here.  This is one of the harder parts of the scenario, but the map should only be used as a last resort.