The Outland


A desolate place, the Outland is a forgotten place of Exile, too far from anything to be useful, and known only to a few explorers because of a massive cave named Kelantys' Heart. Peering into the darkness of the Heart, the sense of openness almost reminds you of a dark, starless night on the surface, where you would rather be than this forsaken place.
From the Intro to The Brotherhood Of The Hand
He points to the door on the middle of the east wall. “You'll find your boat there. It should take you all the way to the fort, but make sure you don't leave the river. It's Slith territory on either side, and they've been a bit more active lately.”
— Samuel, in the River Hut (The Brotherhood Of The Hand)





Area Name




The Outland



 Edge Of The Outland  


  Kelantys' Heart  


 Fork Dulak


The Outland

 Kechma's Rest


Kelantys' Heart

 River Hut


Kelantys' Heart


 Sheep Farm


Kelantys' Heart

 Up The Mountain


Kelantys' Heart

 Vahnatai Temple


The Outland

 Winding Tunnels


The Outland





Kechma's Rest
Fortress Of The Hand
  Many, many years ago, a group known as the Scimitar fought the Empire and lost, and was scattered by them. The Scimitar was a haven for thieves and those with skills of that nature, all brought together by their hatred of the Empire.
When they were disbanded, though, they were not destroyed; they merely spread. Though many lost their lives, some headed to the surface, some joined Unspecified Services to continue their fight against the Empire, and some ended up here.

  While many groups like the Scimitar were formed, many faded quickly, but the Outland proved fertile for a band that quickly grew in notoriety among the thieving community. They are known as The Brotherhood Of The Hand.
Still active today, the Brotherhood controls virtually all activity on the underside of Exile and the Empire. Rarely spoken of but universally feared, to cross the Brotherhood means a swift death.
Upper Fortress

Fortress Of The Hand

Under The Fortress Up The Mountain Hidden Tunnel

  The fortress of the Brotherhood is a massive, sprawling structure, with passages extending in seemingly odd directions, and hidden corridors more plentiful than the revealed ones.
The leaders of the Brotherhood reside in the upper levels, but you were never permitted there. Those you met here told stories of a more ancient network of tunnels that this place was built upon, but those were not allowed to you, either.

  — Excerpts from The Brotherhood Of The Hand  

Underground Lab


Sheep Farm

Vahnatai Temple

Land of the Dead

Lich's Game

River Hut

Fork Dulak




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