Tiger's Den



A small colony of rakshasi lives at the Tiger's Den, a cavern in the wall of the Great Cave, west of Patrick's Tower.

    Though putting an end to the Rakshasi may help the cause of Exile, your best reward for going through this dungeon will be the Ring of Will, a magic item you'll need if you want to defeat Garzahd.

There's a hidden entrance by the western side: go through the secret door at 44,32, then step NE-N-N-N-NW-NW-NE (over cool lava) and enter next door.
You'll go through some lesser fights in this section: there's a rakshasa in every building, and Ice Puddings roam the cave passages. Visit at least the Leisure Room, where you can learn Major Cleansing (33,25). 
The “broken bridge” over the abyss (20,11) is actually magic. If you feel strong enough to immediately fight a bunch of rakshasi, then step on the walkway and it will advance under your feet, step by step, crossing the pit. Don't do it if you don't feel confident, though: it's a one-way bridge.
Once defeated the rakshasi, enter the labyrinth by the SW corner, and proceed. The way to reach next door passes through a hidden lava room. One of the tiles near the door (1,23) will make it disappear, but you can always reset the door by stepping on another tile south of there (3,27).

A little after, a basalt wall will appear out of nothing, blocking your way (4,12). Go back and search for a secret passage (6,18), it will be protected with magic traps but follow on and a little after a new corridor will open before you... that is, if the basalt block appeared, if not, the secret passage is a mere cul-de-sac.

Fight your way into the Sinister Temple. You are free to enter any of the secret rooms by its west, all of three with ruby rings over pedestals, but there's only one Ring of Will (NW at 2,2): the other two rings are traps.

If you want to destroy the evil altar in the temple: you'll need to cast a Ritual of Sanctification, there's no other way. If your priests are short of spell points, see what happens after praying at the altar   }:p

When you're done, search for the hidden portal (8,10). It will take you back to the totems cave, just north of the Fire Walk. Still another fight waits you by the other side of this hall, but it will be the last. The Tiger's Den will be abandoned if you ever want to return here.





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