// z12pwoodsdlg.txt begintalkscript; variables; begintalknode 1; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(12,5) == 0; text1 = "This was once a heavy forest. The industrious serviles have been very busy here over the last century or so, cutting down the wood for their fires and their homes."; text2 = "The forest is quiet now, however, and there are no serviles to be seen. It is very quiet. In fact, there is almost no sound at all. The noises of the birds and insects are strangely muted."; text3 = "Though there is no actual noise, there is still something in the air, an indefinable presence, constantly itching at the back of your mind. Thoughts fly through the air around you, constantly intruding on your thoughts."; text4 = "It is not an unfamiliar feeling. You have experienced this before. You are in the presence of vlish, quite a few of them. Vlish were created by the Shapers to communicate and to sense things. They are highly magical creatures, though frail."; text5 = "It would seem that a number of them have occupied this wood. And their minds are linked."; action = SET_SDF 12 5 1; begintalknode 2; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(12,6) == 0; text1 = "With a sinking feeling, you recognize the small puffballs littering the ground. The Shapers call them mines. They are a simple, fungal creation. When someone steps near one, it explodes."; text2 = "The row of mines near the front is small, but the mines to the rear are quite large. Their explosions could very easily be lethal."; text3 = "Mines normally don't live very long. These must have been created very recently, probably to keep others from reaching the canister at the back of the room. But who would make them? And, for that matter, could?"; action = SET_SDF 12 6 1; begintalknode 3; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(12,7) == 0; text1 = "This room is full of bones, all gnawed clean of meat. They haven't been here long. The smell of vinegar is heavy in the air."; text2 = "You think you can hear a soft gurgling and hissing through the door to the south."; action = SET_SDF 12 7 1; begintalknode 4; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = 10; condition = 1; question = "Unique Items Distributor"; text1 = "Select the item you want to recieve."; text2 = "Items that you already own do not appear in the list."; begintalknode 5; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(12,10) == 0 && get_flag(12,8) == 0 && get_flag(12,9) > 0; text1 = "You find a secluded glade full of old, gnawed bones. They look like they came from ornks. Mostly."; text2 = "Remembering what you were told, you carefully watch the underbrush. It doesn't take long to see Sear. The moment you spot it, it roars and runs out of the undergrowth."; text3 = "It's old. It's far older than fyoras were designed to live. It's getting slow and it's covered with scars, but decades of battle have honed its skills and placed a little bit of cunning in its dumb, savage, rogue brain."; action = SET_SDF 12 10 1; code = activate_hidden_group(6); break; begintalknode 6; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; text1 = "The sign says:"; text2 = " Pentil Woods2"; text3 = " East - Kazg"; text4 = " North - Pentil"; begintalknode 7; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; text1 = "The bulk of this ledger details wood. Shipments. Harvests. Prices. Serviles often serve as record keepers for the Shapers, which explains why this ledger is so neat and carefully maintained."; text2 = "Tucked between two of the pages, you find the beginning of a letter. The name of the addressee has been smudged by moisture, but some words are legible:"; text3 = "_The fourth vlish has been sighted, and this one attacked one of the women! When guards arrived, one of them struck it. Not long after being wounded, the thing let out a loud keen. I suspect the creatures support each other when assaulted._"; text4 = "_Very strange behavior. Who could have programmed them thus? It matters not, at this point. We need more support!_"; begintalknode 8; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Quit."; text1 = "You regretfully walk away, knowing how much power it could give you."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 9; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(34) == 0; question = "Bone Baton (from the Stone Circle)"; text1 = "You get the Bone Baton."; code = set_flag(21,4,1); set_spec_item(34,1); break; begintalknode 10; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(33) == 0; question = "Buron's Key (from Cells area near Northbridge)"; text1 = "You get Buron's Key."; code = set_flag(19,16,1); set_spec_item(33,1); break; begintalknode 11; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(45,12) == 0; question = "Control Rod"; text1 = "You get the Control Rod."; action = SET_SDF 45 12 1; code = set_spec_item(4,1); break; begintalknode 12; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(48) == 0; question = "Core Cells Key"; text1 = "You get the Core Cells Key."; code = set_flag(62,17,1); set_spec_item(48,1); break; begintalknode 13; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(5) == 0; question = "Damaged Shaping Gloves"; text1 = "You get the Damaged Shaping Gloves."; code = set_flag(61,20,1); set_spec_item(5,1); break; begintalknode 14; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(41) == 0; question = "Docks Key (from South Eastern docks)"; text1 = "You get the Docks Key."; code = set_flag(33,8,2); set_spec_item(41,1); break; begintalknode 15; state = 10; personality = 0; nextstate = 11; condition = 1; question = "Next List..."; text1 = "Select the item you want to recieve."; text2 = "Items that you already own do not appear in the list."; begintalknode 17; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(26) == 0; question = "Ellhrah's Bronze Key"; text1 = "You get Ellhrah's Bronze Key."; code = set_flag(7,25,1); set_spec_item(26,1); break; begintalknode 18; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(27) == 0; question = "Ellhrah's Gold Key"; text1 = "You get Ellhrah's Gold Key."; code = set_spec_item(27,1); break; begintalknode 19; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(3) == 0; question = "Entry Buton"; text1 = "You get the Entry Buton."; code = set_flag(49,17,1); set_spec_item(3,1); break; begintalknode 20; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(7) == 0; question = "Fake Shaping Gloves"; text1 = "You get the Fake Shaping Gloves."; code = set_flag(73,18,1); set_spec_item(7,1); break; begintalknode 21; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Focusing Stone (for Servant Mind of the Power Station)"; text1 = "You get a Focusing Stone. You need a total of 4."; code = set_flag(53,21,1); set_spec_item(46,1); break; begintalknode 22; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(44) == 0; question = "Icewalls Key"; text1 = "You get the Icewalls Key."; code = set_flag(47,11,1); set_spec_item(44,1); break; begintalknode 23; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(49) == 0; question = "Junkyard Key"; text1 = "You get the Junkyard Key."; code = set_spec_item(49,1); break; begintalknode 24; state = 11; personality = 0; nextstate = 12; condition = 1; question = "Next List ..."; text1 = "Select the item you want to recieve."; text2 = "Items that you already own do not appear in the list."; begintalknode 26; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(47) == 0; question = "Kantre's Key"; text1 = "You get Kantre's Key."; code = set_flag(55,15,1); set_spec_item(47,1); break; begintalknode 27; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(35) == 0; question = "Kazg Key"; text1 = "You get the Kazg Key."; code = set_spec_item(35,1); break; begintalknode 28; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(40) == 0; question = "Masha's Letter(starts the quest to find Astrov)"; text1 = "You get Masha's Letter."; code = set_flag(32,10,1); set_spec_item(40,1); toggle_quest(50,TRUE); break; begintalknode 29; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Mind Nutrient"; text1 = "You get a jar of Mind Nutrient."; code = set_spec_item(2,1); break; begintalknode 30; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(42) == 0; question = "Mine Key"; text1 = "You get the Mine Key."; code = set_flag(39,20,1); set_spec_item(42,1); break; begintalknode 31; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(39) == 0; question = "Outsider Key"; text1 = "You get the Outsider."; code = set_flag(32,15,1); set_spec_item(39,1); break; begintalknode 32; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(29) == 0; question = "Pentil Key"; text1 = "You get Pentil Key."; code = set_spec_item(29,1); break; begintalknode 33; state = 12; personality = 0; nextstate = 13; condition = 1; question = "Next List ..."; text1 = "Select the item you want to recieve."; text2 = "Items that you already own do not appear in the list."; begintalknode 34; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(45) == 0; question = "Power Station Master Key"; text1 = "You get Power Station Master Key."; code = set_flag(56,24,1); set_spec_item(45,1); break; begintalknode 35; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(31) == 0; question = "Rebel Key (from rebels in Thorny Woods near Pentil)"; text1 = "You get Rebel Key."; code = set_flag(15,14,1); set_spec_item(31,1); break; begintalknode 36; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(25) == 0; question = "Ruined Docks Key"; text1 = "You get Ruined Docks Key."; code = set_spec_item(25,1); break; begintalknode 37; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(37) == 0; question = "Rusty Key (from Tribal Lands)"; text1 = "You get the Rusty Key."; code = set_flag(28,16,1); set_spec_item(37,1); break; begintalknode 38; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(30) == 0; question = "School Key"; text1 = "You get the School Key."; action = SET_SDF 4 8 1; code = set_spec_item(30,1); break; begintalknode 39; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(34,11) == 0; question = "Sea Chest Key"; text1 = "You get the Sea Chest Key."; code = set_flag(34,11,2); set_spec_item(38,1); break; begintalknode 40; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(6) == 0; question = "Shaping Gloves"; text1 = "You get the Shaping Gloves."; code = set_flag(73,8,1); set_spec_item(6,1); set_flag(73,12,1); break; begintalknode 41; state = 13; personality = 0; nextstate = 14; condition = 1; question = "Next List ..."; text1 = "Select the item you want to recieve."; text2 = "Items that you already own do not appear in the list."; begintalknode 42; state = 14; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(43) == 0; question = "Tarnished Amulet (WARNING this takes away Trjakov's Amulet)"; text1 = "Your Taker Amulet becomes tarnished. Takers and their allies will probably consider you a traitor."; code = set_flag(100,4,2); set_spec_item(43,1); set_spec_item(36,-1); break; begintalknode 43; state = 14; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(36) == 0; question = "Trajkov Amulet"; text1 = "You get the Trajkov Amulet."; code = set_spec_item(36,1); break; begintalknode 44; state = 14; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(32) == 0; question = "Tombs Amulet"; text1 = "You get the Tombs Amulet."; code = set_flag(16,2,1); set_spec_item(32,1); break; begintalknode 45; state = 14; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = has_spec_item(28) == 0; question = "Warehouse Key (from the Hill of Jars)"; text1 = "You get the Warehouse Key."; code = set_flag(9,15,1); set_spec_item(28,1); break; begintalknode 46; state = 14; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Quit."; text1 = "You regretfully walk away, knowing how much power it could give you."; action = END_TALK;