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The Orb of Hauyne | |||||||||||||||||||
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Map of Ephicene by Luz Hint Sheet by Author |
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Note: Anything past this point is a spoiler. Read at your own risk. Also, there may be a question you want to ask which is not here. If this happens (I think that this file is pretty comprehensive), or if you want to give me your reactions to my scenario, please email me: my inbox is always less full than I would like.
Juliet (juerow@dial.pipex.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q U E S T I O N S As done in the prized Exile hints format: ----SECTION 1---- ¥OK. How do I get this baby started? ... 26 ¥I've seen the Mayor's assistant, and know about the Mayor. Now what? ... 31 ¥I found the secret cave. I can't find anything. ... 12 ¥In the secret cave, I can't find anything to tell me where to go next. ... 6 ¥In the secret cave, I've found this door hidden in the rock, but I can't open it ... 11 ¥I've been to the place mentioned in the first message, but can't find anything ... 21 ¥I've got the second message. How do I find the person mentioned in it? ... 36 ¥I can't find this sea cave in the north. Help? ... 46 ¥There's this portcullis ... 16 ----SECTION 2---- ¥How do I start off the tests? ... 52 ¥First Test: I can't find the cottage! ... 2 ¥First Test: I'm stuck in the cottage! What do I do? ... 47 ¥Second test: How do I find this tower? ... 55 ¥Second test: What's the answer to the riddle starting: "It gives us life"? ... 17 ¥Second test: What's the answer to the riddle starting: "It can be any color"? ... 27 ¥Second test: What's the answer to the riddle starting: "2, 10, 37, 101, 226"? ... 39 ¥Second test: What's the answer to the riddle starting: "6, 11, 18, 27, 38"? ... 7 ¥Second test: What's the answer to the riddle including: "no sooner spoken"? ... 42 ¥Second test: What's the answer to the riddle including: "black is the color"? ... 37 ¥Second Test: I can't open the door, even though I've got rid of all the barrels ... 22 ¥Second Test: I can't find the wand ... 50 ¥Third Test: I can't get into the Druid Settlement ... 32 ----SECTION 3---- ¥I can't find the entrance to the final dungeon complex ... 35 ¥I can't remember the password Capucin gave me ... 45 ¥I've reached this portcullis, but can't open it. The lever in the room does nothing ... 23 ¥I've got told to cross this area by a pre-taught route, but I can't get it ... 29 ¥How do I move on from the barrack building? ... 54 ¥In the magical buildings, there is a test with runes. How can I complete it? ... 34 ¥I've got to the chapel area of the magical buildings, but can't get further ... 56 ¥I'm in the room of portals, and I'm in portal hell! Which one ends my suffering? ... 40 ¥After finally choosing the right portal, I'm in this room and I can't get past the columns ... 3 ¥There are these pulsating runes. Should I pass them? ... 38 ¥How do I get past the door which is west off the Central Courtyard? ... 24 ¥I've killed Spyros, but I can't get any further ... 8 ¥I've got to the Secret Pit, but can't get out of Spyros and Guilletta's house ... 44 ¥In the Control Building, the console asks me for a password. What is it? ... 53 ¥I can't solve the riddle on the Enigmatic Scroll ... 19 ¥Whih button do I press on the console? ... 49 ¥No, really, I've read the clue but I still don't know which button to press ... 51 ¥I've set the Mayor free, but he told me to go and find the Orb. Where is it? Have I missed it? ... 13 ¥The Mayor told me to go to some boat makers. What boat makers? ... 48 ¥I've got to Bathys, but can't find a town ... 18 ----THE END---- ¥Is it worth sticking around on Ephicene now I've completed the mission? ... 9 ¥OK - how do I leave this dump? ... 4 ----EXTRAS---- ¥I want to get into Kvanti. Be more specific ... 15 ¥What happens if I interfere with any of the parcels that I courier to and from Kvanti? ... 20 ¥Can I get everywhere in every town and in the countryside? ... 5 ¥Where do I find the ring that John wants? ... 25 ¥Where do I find the ghost from Terracosta's name? ... 10 ¥What's the point of those basalt fortresses I can find all the way around the island? 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A N S W E R S 1 Go to the Church of the Shining Truth. In the room with prayer mats off the main room, search the southern wall for secret passages. 2 Go to the north east of Coprol, which is east of Lestos. You should find a clump of woodland, with a space in the center that you cannot see. Try to find a secret passage through the trees. 3 Kill Marian through the pillars. A pillar will very soon disappear after you've killed her. 4 With your token, you can leave for free! Go to Terracosta, and then head south. You don't have to talk to the sailor at the docks - just walk onto the dock he is standing next to. 5 In most places. You may not enter the Alchemical storage in Harkley. The Basalt Fortresses are just designed to show a presence of men in the islands around Ephicene, and you cannot get into them. All other places can be accessed, some require something to be done first, for example Kvanti and the hillock southeast of Aixlan. 6 Search for secret passages - there's a boat for a reason. Use Magic Map to help you. Need another hint? ... 41 7 The answer is 51. The relationship between the numbers goes as follows: Diff between 6 and 11 is 5. Diff between 11 and 18 is 7. Diff between 18 and 27 is 9. Diff between 27 and 38 is 11. Therefore, to carry on the chain, the diff between 38 and the next number must be 13. 38 + 13 = 51. 8 When he died, you heard a click, didn't you? Search for secret passages, and opened doors. 9 Every town has changed a bit since you last visited. The Churches of the Shining Truth have been destroyed in every town. In the old Temple of Enlightenment, a completely new town has sprung up. Elsewhere, you can talk to people about what has happened, steal alchemical supplies, ... And if you've found any of those basalt fortresses, you can explore them now. 10 You have to wait until you have done two of the Hermit's missions, when the location of the Druids Settlement has been revealed. 11 You need a key. Look in the chests in the room just off from where you fought the brigands. 12 You found the secret passage in the basalt wall stretching across the ca ve? Talk to the one person in the town who isn't hostile - Aria in the chapel. She mentions something strange - ask her about it, and search for secret passages in the area she suggests. If you get through to the secret section of the dungeon, with the brigands, and can't find anything ... 6 13 Yes, you've missed it. Remember the room where you fought Spyros? The altar is in the room to the south, and the door will open. 14 The values of a, b and c are consecutive numbers (ie like 1, 2 and 3, or 15, 16 and 17). Oh, but they are none of the numbers given... =) 15 Go to a house in the southwest of Baxen, where everything is not as it seems. Talk to Carlotta, and agree to be couriers for her husband. She wil then let you through the door to the south. Talk to Tethis, and agree to carry his package. He will ask you to take it to Kvanti, and once you have entered once the portcullis will always be open (unless you make the town hostile). 16 Step on the special spot, and say you want to talk to him. 17 The answer is water. The main clue is that it is never dry, followed by the states it can 18 Head north from where you arrive. When you are directly east from a pile of stones, head north east until you reach the road. A better plan, because of the noxious swamps, is to head vaguely north east avoiding as much swamp as you can, until you find the unbroken stretch of road. 19 The answer is blessing. The reason is, one definition of anathema is a curse. The opposite of curse is blessing, and, yes, it fits in the partially blanked out word written on the scroll. 20 This depends on whether you just open it, or take something from it. If you break the seals on the first package, you will receive a different second package. Experiment this through and see. If you take something from the first package, then the person you're delivering it to will not be pleased. 21 In Harkley, search everywhere thoroughly. This includes bookcases. (Hint? What hint?) 22 Look for secret passages. There are more barrels. 23 Look for a secret passage on the eastern wall. 24 You need a key. Explore the areas to the north and to the east. 25 You have to wait until you have done two of the Hermit's missions and are onto the third, in the Druid's Settlement. In the Settlement, a body which has been sacrificed by the altar has a ring on her finger, which you can take. Oh, and when you get the option, stick around and watch their wedding. 26 In Terracosta, speak to the Mayor (he's just across the hall). Talk to who he suggests (this will help you to understand the plot and solve puzzles later on). Then, as he says, go north to Aixlan, the capital city. 27 The answer is sky. The main clue is that the only part that changes is around the sides, where the landscape changes it, eg mountains. 28 People of the Shining Truth p ray across water towards the north west - remember all those churches with a room with a pool of water and prayer mats? So, place the pebble where north west should be on the 'compass' - north of the west rune, and west of the north rune. 29 The pre-taught route is in the shape of a letter. If you need more clues ... 33 30 You cannot get into them until you have finished the mission. They are simply meant to show a build up of some mysterious force on the island. 31 The Mayor's assistant tells you that the cart exits through the southern city gates, goes past the belt of woodland, and turns left. If you go south of Aixlan and just pass the woods touching the road, just head east. You will find a secret settlement has been revealed. 32 There is a secret passage through through one of the stones in the stone circle. And, inside, there is a secret passage near the north west corner of the building. 33 From the doorway, to the south east of the sign, step north east, north east, north west, west, north west, north east. 34 First, collect the pebble from the chest you passed in the corridor. Then, as the runes represent north, east south and west, think about what you know about the Shining Truth faith. If you've talked to people (ie Heleine), you will know that they pray across water towards <fill in compass point here>. If you need more help ... 28 35 In Aixlan, go to the Church of the Shining Truth. In the room with prayer mats, unlock the door in the south west corner. 36 Go to Baxen. Before, if you explored this town thoroughly, there will have been an area where you couldn't get in. This will be a rectangle of black on the automap. If you need a bigger clue ... 1 37 The answer is yellow. Don't ask me why. At the beginning of the 1st World War, people gave yellow feathers to people who wouldn't join up to fight. Incidently, purple is supposed to be the color of emporers because in Roman times purple was the most expensive dye, and so a stripe of it on your toga was reserved for emporers (or at least the noble). 38 You have to. Sorry. 39 The answer is 442. The relationship between the numbers goes as follows: Difference between 2 and 10 is 8. Diff. between 10 and 37 is 27. Diff. between 37 and 101 is 64. Diff. between 101 and 226 is 125. 8, 27, 64 and 125 are all related numbers - they are all cubic numbers: 8 is 2 cubed or 2*2*2, 27 is 3 cubed, and so on. Therefore, the difference between the last number given and the next number must be 6 cubed (216). 216 + 226 = 442. 40 The portal you want is the third from the left. If you want to know all the locations the portals take you to ... 43 41 Look in the south west. You don't have to walk over lava (I'm not that cruel) but only just. 42 The answer is silence. This is a really good riddle, I think... Of course, it's not one of mine. 43 The one on the left takes you to the eastern hall of pillars where you have to walk over lava. The second from the left takes you to the central hall of pillars where you have to walk over the cold floor which burns you. The second from the right takes you onward. The one on the right takes you to the western hall of pillars where you have to walk over lava. 44 There is a secret passage on one of the eastern walls. 45 The password is anathema. 46 The Coastal Cave is located north west of Lestos, which is signposted from Aixlan. 47 Talk to the ghost in the centre. Kill the three beasts who hold the Vahnatai, and set him free. 48 From Aixlan, head west following the road. When you reach Dian, head north, again following the road. Just before you reach Tilvare, another road from the east will join the road you are on. At this point head west. Oh, *that* boat makers! 49 For the equation '2a + 3b = 4c', substitute values for a, b and c. For a clue ... 14 50 Look carefully in the closet east of the bedroom. Experiment for secret passages. 51 Oh, you're no fun! OK, a=5, b=6, c=7. 52 Talk to Capucin. In order to progress, you'll have to agree to do him, or rather his wife, a few favors. After you have agreed to do this for Capucin, he gives you a key to go and talk to his wife. She will give you more instructions. 53 On the lake, sail over to the south east and search for secret passages in the rock. Look in the chest when you find it, and there is a scroll. 54 Go to the room which looks like the commander's office, and pull the lever. The wall to the south will now be a series of secert passages. Get the items if you want, and go through the secret passage which is west of the westernmost chest. In the cave, step on the special spot. Push the button, and proceed to the portcullis which was closed. If a dialog box comes up saying 'clang', you were too slow - you'll have to do it again. 55 It's located in the middle of the hillock southeast from Aixlan. Find a secret passage and walk right in. Note: once you've got the wand, you won't need to go back, and you won't be allowed to. 56 Look at the altar. Touch the runes, and then pull the lever. Problem solved. |
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