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2005 Archives | |||||||
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December 2005 - Happy Holidays from TrueSite! And as your gift, I have finished Pixle Profusion. It now houses over 3000 graphics for your viewing pleasure. Of course it's not DONE done. I already have 300 more graphics waiting to be sorted plus those from scenario graphics sheets that I plan to put up yet, but at least all of Khoths archive are back up. If you know any of the artists for the unknown graphics please e-mail me and I'll get them their proper credit ASAP. I've given up on the database because I just can't figure out MySql without a classroom setting to learn it in. If anyone wants to make one I'll be more then happy to host and maintain it. Oh, and the author proclaimed masterpiece Kill Self, Win Prize now has it's page. Chalk up one more walkthrough for me. :) Lots of updated graphics. Too many to list. You'll just have to look for yourself, but noteworthy additions include numerious monsters by Alec, Rogue, and Silent Shinobi, three graphics from BainIhrno and ten terrains from Rabbitlord. Spiderweb's old exile and default PC's have also been put up. Total number of graphics is now around 3730 and many more still to come. November 2005 - Site upgrade!! I mean what is 5 bucks a month between friends, huh? No more pesky ads, no more worry about how much space I have to store stuff. I've already uploaded all the scenarios and all the graphics (thank goodness for ftp) and still have enough storage to expand the website by four times. Any takers for helping me fill it up? Walkthroughs, hint sheets, and maps are always welcome. New BoA scenario Proving Grounds and BoE scenario The Foolish Giant have also recieved pages with their downloads. And while I'm at it I might as well open up Pixle Profusion. The BoE graphics archive that is. It's not done yet but hopefully putting it up will motivate me to put it's pages together. October 2005 - I learned a new trick! If you want to see my trick check out the treat I made for WotS. Since it was so simple I expect I'll be motivated enough to make more soon. Any requests? Thanks also to Bruce Mitchell for making a walkthroug for Quest for the Orbs. I hope everyone has a happy Halloween this year. Mmm... Chocolate season!! September 10, 2005 - Happy 1st Anniversary to TrueSite!! Yeah!! It' s been one year to the day since I opened up the Walkthrough listing and now it's time to celebrate. So... show of hands. How many of you came here today after reading the statistics? Guess what. I have a surprise just for you. Just a little something I made while procrastinating on my pearl entry. :p At least I can claim I've made something now. Luz has made a couple updates at The Blazing Blade for Forsaken including town locations for Kirlin and town maps for Keptus. And a very big, very thurough walkthrough for The Ultimate Sesame Mission has been found on the web. The author wrote it and I don't think he left anything out. I probably won't do much else with the site this month since I really do want to finish my pearl. See ya'all next month. August 2005 - Already this month Luz has updated with three more maps. One each for The Dolly Mission , Diplomacy with the Dead, and Echoes. Nephilim Mystery has also been added to the BoA list. It comes with some hints and (what the author calls) a walkthrough. A finishable version of Parallel Dementia has been found and it now has a walkthrough, too. July 2005 - Merged with The Archive and CSR! I have been busy, busy this month. As of this moment (7-12-05 9:31 PM CST) every found scenario has a page of it's own. All available scenarios can now be downloaded directly at this site. And as of this moment (7-25-05 3:06 PM CST) every found scenario is linked to it's review page at the CSR (except for a few scragglers I'm waiting for a page to be put up for). Yeah! Drakey also found a couple walkthroughs floating in cyberspace for me; River and Leaf & Rubacus; and Glenn has provided a walkthrough for The Leaving. Seven lost scenarios have been found. Broken Lands, Descent, Island of the Giants, Island Visitors, A Problem in Aludrem, The Cheaters' Paradise (though it is unfortunately corrupted) and Triad each have their own page with a link to their download. I've also upgraded the list pages so that it's easier to see what each scenario has before you click on it's page. Go ahead and check it out! O yeah, I almost forgot, as of this moment (7-29-05 12:01 AM CST) I can no longer claim to be only a quarter century old. Man, I'm almost half as old as my parents, next year I'll be more then half. ;) June 2005 - Vacation time! Poor me... stuck without a couputer for a whole week. I simply have no idea what I'll do with myself... Haven't done too muc h to the site this month. I did add Mad Ambition, A Large Rebellion, and Druids of Krell to the BoA list. Each has a link to where it can be downloaded, Druids of Krell has hints and Large Rebellion has a walkthrough. Playing scenarios to judge them for the 7th contest took most my time so far this month, and the rest of the month will be camping. I'm just glad I got something done. You should be, too. May 2005 - I can't believe it snowed yesterday... Didn't spring start like two months ago? Anyway, this month (so far) I've added BoA to the site. All 16 scenarios that didn't come with the game have at least a link to where they can be downloaded at. I have also included any hints and/or walkthroughs included in their downloads. I now ask the community for help with the rest since I don't have BoA and can't write the walkthroughs myself. Hopefully since BoA is so new, the authors will be willing to turn out the walkthroughs themselves. (Don't want to miss out on any easter eggs. :-) ) Home page has also been revamped. April 2005 - Brett made me an April fool. But that's OK. I'll get him back some day, some how... I'm feeling very motivated this month. Glenn has made a walkthrough for Quest for the Crown and I have made one for Psychologist. I also added Psychologist to my downloads list and made another list for the lost scenarios. All that and we're only one week into the month. If I keep up the momentum I may just make a dent in what needs to be done. Well, I got a lot done but it wasn't part of the original pile. Since I got rid of gmail I had to update my e-mail on every page and took the liberty to change some other things while I was at it. Revisions include: updated e-mail address; new color scheme and font for banner titles; new format for scenario pages; credit given for each map, hintsheet, and walkthrough; and a general clean-up for conformity in pixle precision. I went through afterwards to check that all links work, but if you find I missed any let me know. March 2005 - Spring is finally here!!! There's still snow on the ground here but i f the warm temps don't melt it today, the rain tomorrow will. Yea! Glenn has come through again and Green Meadows (so fitting for spring) now has a nice walkthrough to boast about. I sometimes think he's doing more for my site then I am, so thank you very much Glenn. Your work is always appreciated! I have made my first review for The Dark Tower now available at The Lyceum's Scenario Review Page. I don't know if I'll do more or not but if I get a handful I'll probably put up a page just for them. February 2005 - The month of LOVE! A few updates going up. Islands of the Wheel has gotten a new walkthrough courtesy of Glenn, and Psychologist has made it into the database. I haven't made a walkthrough yet, but it's rather short and shouldn't take long. I plan to put it on the downloads page once Alec is done tweaking it since with a rating of NC-17, it won't be going into AlexII. I've updated my pics page also, available through my bio. January 2005 - Happy New Year!! The holidays are finally over and the new year has just begun. I'm taking advantage of a little down time before my new job as Office Manager actually requires me to do something. I have updated the List of all Utilities to include a download for each one. I won't be adding these to the list of downloads since they already have a list of their own. Hintsheets and walkthrough for Tatterdemalion are up, and I've added a link to Luz's map for the Za-Khazi Run. I deleted the 'about me' section and replaced it with a link to my bio at the Lyceum. I'l probably keep it better updated there anyway. |
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Home Page | Graphics | List of Utilities | List of Downloads | BoA Walkthroughs | BoE Walkthroughs | |||||||
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