Welcome to TrueSite!

This Site is dedicated to the PC games Blades of Exile (BoE) and Blades of Avernum (BoA) made by Spiderweb Software. With BoE and BoA you can play scenarios made by its author, you can play scenarios made by its fans, or you can make your very own scenario and let other people play it. A game that will never grow old as long as there are fans to use their imagination and turn out new scenarios. If you want to know more visit Spiderweb's site and download their HUGE FREE demos.


January 2017 - Huzzah for Coda!

Don't know why I didn't think to try to connect before. Real time edits to the code?! I'm in coding bliss!. And also... Ew.. Raw HTML is no fun.

Because a little redundancy never hurts: Classic and Open BoE Resource Page

Did I mention I have an adult child now? An adult! Fire and Ice, I feel old.

March 2014 - Been a While.

I found 17 new BoA scenarios since my last update. Poor form for my part, terribly sorry to be so delinquent. On the bright side, the BoA scenario pages are getting a facelift. The hub is now a sortable table so you can find the BoA scenarios you want more easily. Then once I make an updated scenario page template, I'll get the new scenarios up for you. Stay tuned.

November 2012 - Slowly but Shirley.

Okay, so maybe I was premature to say 'Revamped' as in past tense last month, but pages are being converted as I have time. I'm leaving up the old pages while the transition is made so if you come to a dead link and you really want to get there, go back to the old stuff. Pages that are done include a Scenarios hub, a PixPro front page, a SW Archive list page, an Extras hub page, and the Code of Community. I've got some other pages done for PixPro that I did for a class a year ago already but the forms are not working yet 'cuz I forgot what I need to change in the submit cmf's. I'll figure them out soon enough. The page for Dahak's splash graphics is working, though. Was my best attempt at snagging a script from a library to use for my own purposes. Now if only I could remember how I did it... >.> If you don't use it you lose it and one five week class gets lost in the multitude of new computer languages.

October 2012 - TrueSite Finally Revamped.

All that stuff I learned last year is finally getting implemented. Navigation now requires that you have JavaScript enabled because php was giving me too much trouble to bother with. I'll keep a basic xml navigation pane here. I've decided that's about as good as it's going to get for non-js users. Sorry. Until such time as I learn how to do it better or xframes becomes a recommendation anyway.

March 2011 - CSS is cool.

Well, you might have noticed that TrueSite has not been updated in a whole year. Reason being I'm hard at work behind the scenes to learn how to make a proper website. This last month I've finally gotten into a class that teaches me some of the meat of making a website and I have been thoroughly enjoying it.

So TrueSite gets a makeover using a Cascading Style Sheet and a little planning. Eventually the navigation menu will be a dropdown but we don't cover Javascript in this class so it will have to wait. Are you as excited as I am?

To be continued...

March 2010 - Deathmatch 2007 is finally over...

...and the winner surprised us all! I have yet to update the memorial but you can find the information at the forums till then. Since the last update, there have been a decent number of scenario releases for BoA including two new designers, Metatron and Nicothodes. New pages up for Always on Your Day Off, Enemy at the Gates, Gluckcluck, Out of Sight, and The Siege of Copperpeak. Mystic also released an open source Item Editor utility he made for windows. He's hoping someone will take on making it compatible with Macs. Then courtesy of PGLB, for those who want them, are the original Windows demo versions of Exile 1 and Exile 2. Finally, I've fixed a few minor errors like the links to the SWArchive sites on the Link page and getting all of Luz's wall graphics to display correctly. There's so much more I could do but time seems to get more and more sparse. Hopefully I'll be able to implement what I learn from my college classes to the site. If I can make this place look professional, I may be able to land me some work. Wish me luck.

October 2009 - Geocities is gone for good this month.

Surely, tis a sad time in our lives. But the blades community need not worry, for the Spiderweb Site Archive shall enshrine all the retiring websites, making them even better than before!! Still a work in progress, yes, but coming along quite nicely and without all those nasty geocities ads. In other news, I've finally gotten around to doing some long overdue scenario updates. Please welcome The Eternal, Incorruptable, Nobody's Heroes, Quarhag Pass, The Ritual of Registration, The Staff, The Triple Valley, Turn That Frown Upside Down, Turn That Frown Upside Down 2, and Warp to the BoA scenario list as well as Mistb0rn's package of 1hour scenarios for BoE. I think I got them all but please let me know if I missed any. After going back through the new scenarios, I've added the provided hints to Warp and Triple Valley and the walkthrough to Ritual of Registration. The deathmatch has also been brought up to date... now if only we could decide the last three matches and complete the whole thing.

September 2009 - Statistics are wondrous.

According to my host, TrueSite has had an average of over 1800 hits per day this month. Wow... I'd blame it on the picture thread if they were included in the most visited pages/files. Of course, they list my favicon separately for some reason so I'm not exactly sure just how accurate it is, but still. I feel useful even though I've just let it sit since the move. Bad, bad me. If I don't update my website I insist someone come and smack me.

May 2009 - TrueSite has moved!

But I'm sure you've already noticed that. *looks at last update* Um... what have I done for the last four months? I think I added some graphics, just a few. Changed a couple links. Did some work on the Deathmatch... I'll have to root around for what's been neglected. Iffy's newest scenario comes to mind. Updates will be made.

December 2008 - Merry Christmas and all that jazz.

I Put up a page for the BoA utility Avernum 2 Template, BoE scenario Zero Point*, and BoA scenario HIM: The Wolf at the Door in procrastination of working on my scenario which is due in one week. Eep! Deadline has been reset so I decided to procrastinate some more by going over the Links list. We have lost 12 websites, thanks in part to AOL hometown shutting down. Sadly Drizzt's BoE Page, Polaris, and the Archives of Akhronath were among the casualties. Some of the others have been gone for a while but hope has now burned itself out. A moment of silence for the previous and the following: BoA Center, Frahham's BoA Graphics, BoE Arena Season 9 Results, Bladesman's BoE Page, StuJLaird's Site, OBOE Cross32 bit, Subterra's official homepage, and Jeneral Stuff.

November 2008 - Still making a scenario.

I also added a link to a promising story.

October 2008 - Making a scenario.

Not much else.

September 2008 - New News.

Sitewise I've added in 9 new graphics from Joel Whaley and 21 from Will Dueck.

August 2008 - Where has summer gone?

Only one month left before I have a fourth grader, third grader, first grader, and half day pre-k.  Honestly I don't know where all my time has gone.  Only having one computer to share with kids that are all now wanting to play internet games helps keep me away, though.  I've made a couple of updates over the past couple months to the links page but not much else.  Pages up for Blades of Rogue, HIM, Wilderness, and 100 Evil Sliths.  I've put 100 Evil Sliths on the 'O' page for (one hundred).

May 2008 - Deathmatch is back on.

So far I've finished updating round two except for the large graphic and round 3 is underway.

April 2008 - Yes, it's still snowing...

For BoA Phew for a Minute and Themed Party Builder.  54 new monster graphics from Joel Whaley up at PixPro.  Check 'em out.  Links to the CSR have been restored.  And the Deathmatch Memorial has finally been updated.  I'm ready for that e-mail now Slarty.

March 2008 - More already.

Milu has released her BoE scenario War Preparations with walkthrough as well as a utility, New Market City.  Version 2.0 updated.  Oops, let's not forget Kingom Hall for BoA by Nikki.  That's been out for over a month.  Also for BoA Ephesos has relased Adrift.  Joel Whaley has sent in a submission of 6 warrior men; up at Pixle Pro. Thank you very much. I've updated the Links list to include OBoE.  Help me be comprehensive.  TELL me if you know of any other links. (except the other google code project) Cleanup of Skalmir Cave is now up for BoE. Important: With the loss of The Lyceum lots of my links will be down until I have time to update them. In the meantime, please use this link to get over to ShadowVale whenever you want to rate a scenario.

February 2008 - My my, haven't I been lazy?

But at least there was something waiting for me to do right?  Lots of scenarios released and up.  Terror from the Park for BoE and five for BoA; In the Shadow of Dragons, Kill them Dead, Muffins n' Hell, Outpost Valley, and Tales from the Tabard Inn.  I've also made a page for the unreleased Shipwrecked since it already has a walkthrough to go with it.  I've worked a little on the deathmatch pages but little fingers screwed up a major update before it was saved so it's not up to date yet.

2007 Updates Archive

2006 Updates Archive

2005 Updates Archive

2004 Updates Archive

Community News

Community Spotlight

Four new moderators grace the halls of Spiderweb after it's forum transfer. Hail to the new leadership of Sylae, Nikki, Jerakeen and Triumph! Long may you reign!

RP News

The Spiderbus is back up and running, or at least so it seems. Strange things are happening, not all of them pleasant. Can the SWers find a solution to the chaos?


Upcoming contest details or recent winners. Didn't I read something about another "Don't fix the shark" contest? PM me if you have something to add.

Blades News

Newest scenarios and what they're about. Um... let me do some research on that.